[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where filtering did not get clear in Flexgrid when calling Reset() method in DataFilter.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where numeric boxes (from-to) did not respect boundary values.
DataGrid for WPF
Bug Fixes
[C1Datagrid] Fixed the issue where CheckBox was getting shifted while checking the cell of DatagridCheckBoxColumn.
DateTimeEditors for WPF
Bug Fixes
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where IndexOutOfRangeException was thrown if Mask value is set in TimeEditor.
Docking for WPF
Bug Fixes
[DockControl] Fixed the issue where NullReferenceException occured after docking the Floating DockTabItem on a center docking indicator when C1Theme is applied.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where C1DockSplitter got hidden when width is set to 0.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where InvalidOperationException was thrown while docking/floating C1DockTabs.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where an error occured when setting 'Floating' value to DockMode property in XAML tag of C1DockTabControl.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where hide button could not be seen completely after docking the one Floating item on the other Floating item.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where C1DockSplitter class did not exist in C1DockControl.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where C1DockControl could preserve tab selection on loading saved layout.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where incorrect description was shown for some properties in DockTabControl.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where Dock and Sliding icon did not change accordingly when docking/sliding DoctTabItems.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where arrow was not shown in each docking indicator of docking panel when dragging the DockTabItem.
Document Library for WPF
[.NET 6.0] Added C1Document control.
Bug Fixes
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where "Failed to export Report ..." error box was shown when exporting "Text Rendering Features" report file with pdf format.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where System.AccessViolationException was thrown when a specific file was loaded and exported.
FlexChart for WPF
Added Series.IsHitTestVisible property.
Bug Fixes
Added support for gradient brush as stroke in Direct2D render mode.
Fixed the issue where axis scrollbar did not get placed correctly after changing the axis position.
Fixed the hit testing issue when InterpolateNulls is set to false.
Fixed the issue with axis scrollbar layout when axis is at the right.
FlexGrid for WPF
[.NET 6.0] Added C1GridControl.
Bug Fixes
[FlexGrid] Fixed the issue where only the editor got re-focused when cancelling the editing if validation errors exist.
[Flexgrid] Fixed the issue where PrintPreview method ignored the PrintTicket's PageOrientation.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where CursorRange was not getting updated and an exception was thrown when pressing tab after replacing a notification whose items count has changed.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where printing a grid without rows was throwing an exception.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where selection focus did not navigate to first cell of the selected row when pressing 'HOME' key.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue with flicking animations.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where MouseOverBrush was not getting updated at runtime.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue with keyboard navigation using PgUp and PgDown.
FlexPivot for WPF
Bug Fixes
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where Field Setting's Error Popup was not closing.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurred when deleting 'Group by' value in 'Format' tab of the 'Field Settings:' dialog.
FlexViewer for WPF
[.NET 6.0] Improved UI to match styles of other components. Added used C1Toolstrip for MainToolbar.
[.NET 6.0] Added FlexViewer control.
Bug Fixes
[C1FlexViewer] Fixed the issue where diagonal scroll was not working on FlexViewerPane on the touch device.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where Wrong Description was shown for Net6 "C1.WPF.Viewer" NuGet.
Grid for WPF
Breaking Changes
[.NET 6.0] Removed protected GetPageBreaks and GetPrintRange that were intended for internal usage.
[.NET 6.0] Added automation support.
Bug Fixes
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where row-editing was not working properly.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where PrintPreview method ignored the PrintTicket's PageOrientation.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where default filename was assigned to excel export filename.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where current culture's percentage decimal digits were greater than 0 on Excel Cell Formatter.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where unexpected cells were shown when mixing changes in rows and columns at the same time at runtime.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where Word Wrap Property was assigned to Columns while exporting.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where modified clipboard copied and pasted as well as exported algorithms (Text/CSV/Html) to exclude non-data rows, GridFilterRow, GridIncrementalLoadingRow, GridNewRow and GridDetailRow.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where the grid did not enter in editing mode after clicking a checkbox whose value is false.
Input for WPF
[.NET 6.0] Improved Keyboard navigation.
Bug Fixes
[MultiSelect] Fixed the issue where System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException occured when typing one character after deleting some characters from selected item.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where only one item was shown in the dropdown list when applying ItemTemplate property in C1ComboBox.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where the dropdown part did not close after clicking on the selected item in the dropdown list.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where ComboBoxItems could not be selected by CheckBox and previous selected items could not be unselected.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where suggested filter dropdown items could not be navigated by pressing the Down arrow key.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where Setting Mask property was throwing StackOverflowException.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where Set Time value did not appear in time editor part if DateMask value is set.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where Value property returned null value if the Value is not set, and Text value is set.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where C1Combobox dropdown width was still shown as full width of the screen even after resizing the form.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where focus selection did not work properly in dropdown list when pressing Up/Down arrow keys.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where NullReferenceException occurred when selecting dropdown item if MultiSelect is bound with the DataTable.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where the selected items added from design time were displayed only after dropdown is opened and selected items at run time were displayed only after closing the dropdown in MultipleSelection mode.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException occured when typing one character after deleting some characters from selected item.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where C1MaskedTextBox's bounded Value property was not working in ContentControl.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where HeaderFormat text did not appear in text area although selected items exceeded the MaxHeaderItems value.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where an error did not appear while settingText property in C1MultiSelect.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where System.NullReferenceException was thrown when putting the mouse pointer after the decimal point and pressing the BackSpace key from the keyboard.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where setting ShowButton property at run time did not work.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where StackOverflowException occured when setting the SelectedItem.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where NullReferenceException occured when setting the SelectionMode value at design time.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue with non-visible cursor when C1TextBox gets the focus.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where StackOverflowException occurred when opening the dropdown part after pasting some text in 'LineNumberTool'.
ImportServices for WPF
[.NET 6.0] Added ImportServices control.
ListView for WPF
[.NET 6.0] Improved Tab navigation.
Bug Fixes
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where all items were still selected after changing SelectionMode value from Multiple/Extended to Single.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where selection with touch was not working.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where selected list item got unselected when clicking on the selected list item.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where all items could be selected by SelectAll() even if SelectionMode property is set to Single/None.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where System.ArgumentException occured in C1.WPF.Core when SelectAll()/UnSelectAll() is used under InitializedComponent().
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where the application stopped responding when pressing Spacebar key after checking the SelectAll checkbox in dropdown.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where an error occured in XAMl designer and dropdown did not open when IsDropDown is set to"True".
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where NullReferenceException occured when clicking ListViewItem that has no defined content.
Menu for WPF
Breaking Changes
[.NET 6.0] Changed C1MenuItem.SubItemsPopup type from Popup to C1Popup.
[.NET 6.0] Renamed C1MenuItem.InputGestureText to HotKey.
Bug Fixes
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where C1ContextMenu had an undesired margin from the placement target.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where C1ContextMenu was not disappearing when placement target element disappeared.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where C1ContextMenu was not disappearing when window changed dimensions.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where C1ContextMenu was not getting the focus when opened.
Olap for WPF
Bug Fixes
[Olap] Fixed the issue where Field Setting's Error Popup was not closing.
Print Document for WPF
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where System.TypeInitializationException occured in 'C1.WPF.PrintDocument.4.6.2' dll of the C1PrintDocument.
Report for WPF
[.NET 6.0] Added FlexReport control.
Ribbon for WPF
[.NET 6.0] Improved layout of Ribbon tools in vertical orientation.
[.NET 6.0] Added C1Tool.HotKey property to display hotkeys in tooltips and overflow menus.
Bug Fixes
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where an exception was thrown on adding C1ContentControlTool inside C1ToolStrip.
RichTextBox for WPF
Bug Fixes
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where Pressing Tab and Shift+Tab keys did not navigate to the next and previous table cells.
[.NET 6.0][Ribbon] Fixed the issue where FontColor/HighlightColor/ParagraphColor did not take effect when setting the same color in second time.
[.NET 6.0] [Ribbon] Fixed the issue where Tooltip did not appear when hovering the mouse on the elements of the RichTextBoxRibbon.
[.NET 6.0] [Ribbon] Fixed the issue where grid cells did not appear properly when hovering over the grid to select the number of columns and rows after opening the 'Table' dropdown.
Schedule for WPF
Breaking Changes
[.NET 6.0] The C1.C1Schedule namespace has been renamed to C1.Schedule.
[.NET 6.0] The most of members of the C1.Schedule namespace have been moved to C1.ScheduleCore assembly.
The new C1.WPF.ScheduleCore library contains C1.WPF.Schedule.C1Brush and C1.WPF.Schedule.C1ScheduleStorage classes which should be used instead of C1.Schedule.C1Brush and C1.Schedule.C1ScheduleStorage classes. The new C1.ScheduleCore library uses System.Drawing.Color structure instead of the System.Windows.Media.Color. It might require updates in your code if you used related API directly.
[.NET 6.0] Removed non-used resources from embedded XAML. The default appearance has been improved to better fit with the latest Office365 appearance.
[.NET 6.0] Added SchedulerGroupItem.BorderBrush property to be used in default control templates.
[.NET 6.0] AlternateMonthBrushConverter behavior has been changed to match Office365 behavior which now returns AlternateMonthBrushConverter.AlternateMonthBrush property value for past dates and Scheduler.AlternatingBackground property value for future dates.
[.NET 6.0] Added reference to the C1.ScheduleCore and C1.WPF.ScheduleCore libraries.
Bug Fixes
[.NET 4.6.2] [.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where entering key in 'Open Recurring Appointment' and 'Confirm Delete Appointment' dialogs was not handled properly.
ScheduleCore for WPF
Added initial version.
Sparkline for WPF
[.NET 6.0] Added Sparkline controls.
TabControl for WPF
Bug Fixes
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where the length of the overlap between TabItems did not take effect even after setting TabStripOverlap property.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where SelectedTabHeaderStyle did not take effect even after setting the 'SelectedTabHeaderStyle' property.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where pinned icon did not appear correctly even after clicking the UnPin button in tab item.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where TabStrip did not align properly when setting TabItemRotation and TabStripPlacement properties.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the memory leak issue with C1DockControl.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where TabItem headers were not properly visible even after changing TabItemShape property.
TreeView for WPF
Bug Fixes
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where scrolling was not working when pressing Up/Down arrow keys, Home, End, PageUp and pageDown keys.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where parent treeview item also got selected when clicking the child treeview item in 'Multiple' SelectionMode.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where Checkbox in main node did not appear in intermediate state even after checking the checkbox in child node.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where all checkboxes were still in activated state if setting the SelectionMode property to None at run-time.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where TreeViewItem could not be selected and SelectedBackground was not working.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where Item text did not get selected when pressing the F2 key on treeview item.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where Checkboxes did not appear in treeview item even after setting 'ShowCheckboxes' property to true.
WPF Core Library
[.NET 6.0] Added support for bring-into-view to C1ScrollViewer and added a BringIntoViewOnFocusChange property to disable it.
Bug Fixes
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where an exception was thrown when listening to a touch gesture inside a floating popup.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where C1ScrollViewer was throwing an exception when focusing an element that was not in the visual tree.
[.NET 6.0] Fixed the issue where SetBinding always removed the existing value of properties.