[.NET 5.0] [WINUI] Made Style Adjustments on Foreground & Font Size.
[.NET 5.0] Added VS Suggested Actions for C1Accordion.
Basic Library for WPF
[C1MaskTaskBox][C1NumericBox] [C1ComboBox] Added VS Suggested Actions for C1ComboBox, C1MaskedTextBox, C1NumericBox.
[C1TreeView] Added VS Suggested Actions for TreeView.
Updated GcLicense.
Removed old license.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where Tab key navigation did not work properly when pressing Tab/Ctrl+Tab/Ctrl+Shift+Tab key from the keyboard.
[DockTabControl] Fixed the issue where changing the selected DockTabItem resulted in resetting of the unselected TabItem content.
Calendar for WPF
[.NET 5.0] [WINUI] Made Style Adjustments on Foreground & Font Size.
[.NET 5.0] Added VS Suggested actions for C1Calendar.
Chart for WPF
Breaking Changes
[.NET 5.0] Axes and gridlines are rendered behind data elements by default. Use new FlexChart.AxesOnTop property to control the position of axes.
[.NET 5.0] [Blazor] Added BreakEven series that implements Break-Even plot.
Bug Fixes
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where the Axis scrollbar was not working correctly with the reversed axis.
[.NET 5.0] Added Series.HitTest() method.
[.NET 5.0] [Blazor] Fixed the issue where the default legend order for the bar chart was not correct.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where the position of the scrollbar was incorrect when the axis is at the right.
[.NET 5.0] [Blazor] Fixed the issue where the BreakEven chart did not clip correctly when zooming.
[.NET 5.0] [Blazor] Fixed the issue where an exception occurred in the BreakEven chart when using incorrect parameters.
ColorPicker for WPF
[.NET 5.0] [WINUI] Made Style Adjustments on Foreground & Font Size.
[.NET 5.0] Added VS Suggested Actions for C1ColorPicker.
DataFilter for WPF
[.NET 4.5.2] [.NET 5.0] [FilterEditor] Added VS Suggested Actions for FilterEditor.
[.NET 4.5.2] [.NET 5.0] Added VS Suggested Actions for DataFilter.
[.NET 5.0] [WINUI] Improved styles for Foreground & Font Size.
Bug Fixes
Removed "Add Filter" from suggested actions menu of DataFilter.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where System.NullReferenceException occurs when changing the numeric value in the column options menu after filtering the value from RangeFilter.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where the Filter icon still was still showing in the column header when clearing the filter text after filtering the cell value by TextFilter.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where the RangeFilter upper value could be smaller than the minimum (same for the lower value - maximum).
Fixed the issue where "The property 'C1DataFilter.Filters' cannot be set because it does not have an accessible set accessor " error was shown when clicking "Add Filter"from suggested actions menu of the DataFilter control.
DataGrid for WPF
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the cell content was getting cropped.
Fixed the issue where a cell could be selected while dragging even if the IsSelectable property of DataGridColumn is set to false.
[.NET 4.5.2] [.NET 5.0] Added VS Suggested Actions for DateTimeEditors (C1DatePicker, C1DateTimePicker, C1TimeEditor).
[.NET 5.0] [WINUI] Improved styles for Foreground & Font Size.
Bug Fixes
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where the background of Calendar inside C1DatePicker was made transparent to allow the popup background to be shown as expected.
Docking for WPF
[.NET 4.5.2] [.NET 5.0] Added VS Suggested Actions for C1DockTabControl and C1DockControl.
[.NET 4.5.2] [.NET 5.0] Request to provide the way to disable the Floating of the specific C1DockTabItem.
[.NET 5.0] [WINUI] Improved styles for Foreground & Font Size.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where "Fill Parent Container" did not take effect when Width and Height were set in DockControl.
Document Library for WPF
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where System.FormatException occurs when exporting FlexReport to Excel when a field contains a null value.
Fixed the issue where contents were lost in the excel export of C1FlexReport that contains the 'Paragraph' Field.
Excel for WPF
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where an incorrect index of print title was shown when loading the '.xlsx' file and saving by using C1Excel.
Fixed the issue where the book could not be saved properly.
Extended for WPF
[C1Accordion] Added VS Suggested Actions for C1Accordion.
[C1ColorPicker] Added VS Suggested Actions for C1ColorPicker.
Bug Fixes
[C1ColorPicker] Fixed the issue where the TabIndex property was not working properly for C1ColorPicker.
FlexChart for WPF
Breaking Changes
Axes (including) gridlines are rendered behind data elements by default. Use new FlexChart.AxesOnTop property to control the position of axes.
Added BreakEven series that implements Break-Even plot.
Added SuggestedActions at design-time.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the Axis scrollbar was not working correctly with the reversed axis.
Added Series.HitTest() method.
Fixed the issue where the default legend order for the bar chart was not correct.
Fixed the issue where the position of the scrollbar was incorrect when the axis is at the right.
Added FlexChart.HitTest() with an additional parameter that allows to include or exclude connecting lines from hit testing.
Fixed the issue where the BreakEven chart did not clip correctly when zooming.
Fixed the issue where an exception occurred in the BreakEven chart when using incorrect parameters.
Fixed the issue where FlexChart.SaveImage() method was not working properly.
Fixed the issue where FlexChart.HitTest() method was not working correctly with the line chart.
Fixed the issue where performance was being compromised while binding the chart.
Fixed the issue where C1RangeSelector initialization was not taking place properly.
FlexGrid for WPF
Added SuggestedActions.
[.NET 5.0] [WINUI] Made Style Adjustments on Foreground & Font Size.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where a Memory leak occurred while using C1Flexgrid's CellTemplate.
Fixed the issue where the last row was not visible while scrolling FlexGrid containing the footer row.
Fixed the issue where selecting a row resulted in an exception error after clearing and adding the bound collection.
[FlexGridFilter] Fixed the issue where a Memory leak occurred while using C1FlexGridFilter.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where the cells were getting clipped in the star column.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where ItemsSource was not detached correctly when setting it to null.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where an exception was thrown in the layout of the GridColumnHeaderCell when setting DefaultColumnHeaderRowHeight to "Auto".
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where NewRow was causing rendering issues when NewRowPosition is set to Bottom.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where the selected item from the dropdown of the GridDataMap column did not get reflected after it has been selected.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where C1CheckBox was used instead of MS CheckBox in GridColumn and GridCheckBoxColumn in order to handle the TouchDown event.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where the cursor cell was shown as selected even if was not selected.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where the design-time data issue was causing all the cells to be black if the columns were specified explicitly.
Fixed the issue where any action does not occur on clicking the "Add GridFilter Assembly" option of SuggestedActions menu of FlexGrid.
FlexPivot for WPF
[.NET 5.0] Added VS Suggested Actions for FlexPivot.
[.NET 5.0] Added VS Suggested Actions for FlexPivot.
FlexViewer for WPF
Added VS Suggested Actions.
GanttView for WPF
Added support for exporting to MS Project file.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where parameter type changed to bool roundToDurationUnit value instead of string value in ImportFromMsProjectXml() method.
Fixed the issue where the "Bad XML file, Importing failed" error message box appeared when importing the exported MS Project XML File to C1GanttView.
Fixed the issue where an exception was thrown while Right-clicking on designer view.
Fixed the issue where System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurred while importing a previously exported to MS Project XML File.
Fixed the issue where System.ArgumentNullException occurred while importing a previously exported to MS Project XML File.
Input for WPF
Breaking Changes
[.NET 5.0] DropDownPopup template-part has been removed from C1DropDownButton. The popup is now handled internally by the control, customers can customize it through PopupStyle property.
[.NET 5.0] C1ItemsControl is now inherited by the C1ComboBox.
[.NET 5.0] UI path is now removed from C1ComboboxItem, C1ComboboxItem is a pure class model now.
[.NET 5.0] C1ListView can be used as C1Combobox Items Presenter now.
[.NET 5.0] Added C1MultiSelect control.
[.NET 5.0] Added VS Suggested Actions for C1ComboBox, C1MaskedTextBox, C1NumericBox.
[.NET 5.0] [WINUI] Made Style Adjustments on Foreground & Font Size.
Bug Fixes
[MultiSelect] Fixed the issue where selected tags were not displayed on initial load if CheckedMemberPath returns true.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where the selected item became empty when pressing the F2 key after setting the C1ComboBox as EditTemplate of C1TreeView.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where the previously selected item remained in the text area when ItemsSource is changed or set null value.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where the DropDown list of items containing the matched text in the text area could not open if the Condition is set to 'Contains'.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where the previously selected item could not be selected again after deleting the selected item from the text area.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where the DropDown was closed after selecting an item when the SelectionMode is set to "Multiple" in ComboBox.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where the "Close" popped up automatically if the windows containing the popup is deactivated.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where the C1DropDownButton was throwing an exception if IsDropDownOpen is set in XAML.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where the C1DropDownButton popup was not honoring the FlowDirection.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where the SelectionChanged event did not get fired initially in ComboBox.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where the DropDown gets closed when typing text in the text area after the dropdown was opened.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where StackOverflowException occurred when the focus is set inside the RichTextBox.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where the Focus gets lost after selecting any item.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where an Item selected by entering text in the text area did not appear in the visible area of the dropdown list.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where one item could be selected repeatedly by SelectedItems.Add() method in Multiple SelctionMode.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where MultiSelect control was not added in VS Toolbox even after installing the C1.WPF.Input package.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where the class names were displayed in the dropdown list when ItemsSource is changed at run time.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where the Applied GroupStyle did not work in C1ComboBox.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where 'System.NotSupportedException' was thrown in System.Private.CoreLib.dll when clearing the C1MultiSelect's items using the Clear() method.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where the selected items were displayed twice in Multiple SelectionMode.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where the popup-based controls, like dropdowns and menus, were throwing an exception when they are used inside a Popup with no logical parent.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where keyboard navigation did not work when the dropdown was opened.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where the FocusBrush did not work properly.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where the background of ListView inside C1ComboBox was made transparent to allow the popup background to be shown as expected.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where C1DropDownButton.Content stops being a logical child of the control to allow foreground inheritance from the popup style.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where the Focus did not remain on the selected item after an item is selected.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where Set SelectedBackground color did not apply on the selected item.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where newly added items were not shown in the MultiSelect text area after changing MaxHeaderCount in Text DisplayMode.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where the TouchDown event was handled on C1Checkbox to avoid manipulation events taking place when tapping the C1Checkbox inside a ScrollView.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where C1DropDownButton.Content was not inheriting DataContext.
ListView for WPF
[.NET 5.0] [WINUI] Made Style Adjustments on Foreground & Font Size.
[.NET 5.0] Added C1ListView, C1TileListView controls for .Net 5.
Bug Fixes
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where selection did not work properly when changing 'Single' SelectionMode after selecting all list items.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where Data did not get refreshed immediately and was shown as blank when scrolling the suggested data in C1MultiSelect's dropdown list in any AutoComplete Mode.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where an error occurred if ListViewItemView is added from the context menu.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where Items could be selected through the 'Select All' checkbox when the SelectionMode is set None.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where 'HorizontalContentAlignment' and 'VerticalContentAlignment' properties were not working in ListViewItem of C1ListView and C1TileListView.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where an error occurred if the ListViewItemView is added from the context menu.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where item selection could not be changed by pressing arrow keys from the keyboard.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where an item was not selected if the binding is set for the SelectedItem property.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurs when adding the ListViewGroupItem in C1ListView/C1TileListView.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where checkbox and content text was not on the same line if ShowCheckBoxes is set to True.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where the SelectAll checkbox did not show when ShowSelectAll is set True at design time.
[.NET 5.0] Request to change the Summary Description for SelectedItems in C1ListView.
Map for WPF
[.NET 5.0] Added VS Suggested actions for Maps.
Bug Fixes
[.NET 4.5.2] [.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where an error occurred while parsing KML files on a machine with Russian culture.
Menu for WPF
[.NET 5.0] [WINUI] Made Style Adjustments on Foreground & Font Size.
Bug Fixes
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where Foreground inheritance was avoided inside the popup of C1ContextMenu.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where sub-menus were not closed automatically when the parent menu is not visible.
Pdf for WPF
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where '\t' was not working as expected in the DrawString method.
Fixed the issue where the Right-Aligned multi-line text was rendered incorrectly.
PropertyGrid for WPF
[.NET 5.0] [WINUI] Made Style Adjustments on Foreground & Font Size.
Bug Fixes
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where an exception was thrown while editing the CornerRadius property.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where PropertyGrid's Scrollbar hides the reset button.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where System.NotSupportedException occurs when clicking the reset button of HorizontalAlignment/VerticalAlignment.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where an exception was thrown while editing BorderThickness/Padding/Margin.
RichTextBox for WPF
[.NET 4.5.2] [.NET 5.0] Added VS Suggested Actions for RichTextBox.
[.NET 5.0] [WINUI] Style Adjustments on Foreground & Font Size.
Bug Fixes
[C1RichTextBoxToolbar] Fixed the issue where Margin and Padding button did not show in Paragraph area.
[SimplifiedRichTextBoxToolbar] Fixed the issue where the Border dropdown icon's alignment was different when resizing the form after choosing one item from the border dropdown.
[C1SimplifiedRichTextBoxToolbar] Fixed the issue where 'C1.WPF.RichTextBox.C1BorderTool+Proxy' text was shown when resizing the window after choosing item from 'Borders' dropdown.
[C1SimplifiedRichTextBoxToolbar] Fixed the issue where NullReferenceException occurs when clicking FontColor/HighlightColor/ParagraphColor for the second time.
Fixed the issue where System.ArgumentException occurred on setting Html that contains a table without height/width.
SpellChecker for WPF
[.NET 5.0] [WINUI] Made Style Adjustments on Foreground & Font Size.
Schedule for WPF
[C1Calendar] Added VS Suggested Actions for C1Calendar.
[.NET 5.0] Ported C1Scheduler from wpf-45.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the all-day appointment was not properly displayed in the print preview of 'Daily Style'.
[Calendar] Fixed the issue where Removed MonthCount from VS Suggested Action Menu of Calendar.
Fixed the issue where 'Recurrence:' text was not shown when previewing the Recurring Appointment by 'Memo Style'.
Fixed the issue where the document of C1Schedule was not shown properly in Print Preview when setting more than 3 days in Daily Style.
Tab Control for WPF
[.NET 5.0] [WINUI] Style Adjustments on Foreground & Font Size.
[.NET 5.0] Added VS Suggested Actions for TabControl and TabItem.
Bug Fixes
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where Tab key navigation did not work properly when pressing Tab/Ctrl+Tab/Ctrl+Shift+Tab key from the keyboard.
Toolbar for WPF
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the AboutBox link is not contained in the context menu of C1ToolbarItem.
TreeView for WPF
[.NET 5.0] [WINUI] Made Style Adjustments on Foreground & Font Size.
[.NET 5.0] Added VS Suggested Actions for TreeView.
Word for WPF
Added sample to demo for exporting the context of C1RichTextBox to MS Word document.
WPF Core Library
[.NET 5.0] [WINUI] Improved styles for Foreground & Font Size.
[.NET 5.0] Updated GcLicense.
[.NET 5.0] Included Xaml and resx files in the drop.
Bug Fixes
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where a License exception occurs when using Net5 controls during the trial period.
[.NET 5.0] Fixed the issue where the C1ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility and VerticalScrollBarVisibility were not honored.