Fixed the issue where it related to license for publish single file.
Fixed the issue where you need to explicitly set UseShellExecute = true for C1HyperlinkButton to work in Net5 applications.
[Menu][Olap] Fixed the issue where System.InvalidCastException has occurred when setting 'IsEnabled' property to 'false' at RunTime.
[TabControl] Fixed the issue where binding does not work in DockTabControl's ContentTemplate.
[ListBox] Fixed the issue where the ContextMenu doesn't open on C1ListBoxItems.
[C1NumericBox] Fixed the issue where Validation error state is not raised correctly.
[TabControl] Now, users can select tab using Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+Shift+Tab.
[C1VectorIcon] Now, users can successfully utilize C1VectorIcon class with its ViewBox property.
DataFilter for WPF
Bug Fixes
[DataFilter][FilterEditor] Fixed the issue where the fields and operators for some data types values were not generated in DataFilter and FilterEditor when binding with DataTable.
[DataFilter] Fixed the issue where the SelectAll text disappears when changing the DataSource at Run Time.
[DataFilter] Fixed the issue where the "Select All" checkbox is checked in and no item is in selected state of the C1CheckListFilter when "Single" SelectionMode is chosen at RunTime.
[DataFilter] Fixed the issue where the "Select All" checkbox can search and select items in C1CheckListFilter although "Single" SelectionMode is chosen.
[DataFilter] Fixed the issue where the CustomFilter stopped displaying Filter.Control on the UI.
DateTimeEditors for WPF
Bug Fixes
[DatePicker] Fixed the issue where changing SelectedDate inside CalendarOpened event freezes the application.
[TimeEditor] Fixed the issue where TimeEditor displays non-formatted text even after lost focus.
[DatePicker] Now, the date value is displayed when setting the time string.
DataGrid for WPF
Bug Fixes
[DataGrid] Fixed the issue where System.NullReferenceException has occurred on clicking the cell in DataGridHyperlinkColumn of DataGrid.
[DataGrid] Fixed the issue where Filter operator dropdown does not open when the dialog is opened second time.
[DataGrid] Fixed the issue where RowIndex cannot be read by using ScreenReader(MS Narrator) in DataGrid.
[DataGrid] Fixed the issue where there is validation issues in Float type column.
[DataGrid] Fixed the issue when the FullTextSearchBehavior throws error if values are null.
[DataGrid] The automation has improved when selecting the cells.
Now, the active cell's presenter will be focused.
[DataGrid] Added new API RowDetailButtonStyle to allow customize style for RowDetailButton.
Docking for WPF
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the C1DockTabItem Header's Binding does not work after upgrade.
FlexGrid for WPF
Bug Fixes
[FlexGrid] Fixed an issue where logic to find view range based on scroll position is not always the same due to comparison of double.
[FlexGrid] Fixed the issue where the default value of the FlexGrid.IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem property has been changed to true.
[FlexGrid] Fixed the issue where cancelling the CellEditEnding event should not exit the cell from edit mode.
Fixed the issue where the line marker movement limited to plot area.
Fixed the issue where there is an improved C1RangeSelector behavior.
Fixed issue with custom axis limits in radar plot.
Fixed the exception when setting Axis.LabelMin/Max under several conditions.
Fixed exception in C1AxisScrollbar when binding Minimum or Maximum property.
Fixed data services in StockChart sample.
Input for WPF
Bug Fixes
[Themes][MultiSelect][Regression] Fixed the issue where the 'System.InvalidOperationException' is thrown in PresentationFramework.dll when changing one theme to another.
Bug Fixes
[Olap] Fixed the issue where the data does not render in OlapGrid and OlapChart in NetCore project.
[Olap] Fixed the issue where one overload of PrintManager's Print method does not work correctly.
[Olap] Fixed the issue where the expand/collapse icons not shown.
RichTextBox for WPF
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the text in first sentence cannot be seen when selecting the text from the first sentence.
Fixed the issue where after dropping the selected text, the drop position indicator keeps displaying. (TFS-460493)
Fixed the issue where Justifying text removes first word in C1RichTextBox (TFS-461796)
[RichTextBox] Fixed the issue where the Insert Hyperlink popup window doesn't show the URL of the selected text.
[C1SimplifiedRichTextBoxToolbar] Fixed the issue where the dropdown list of items of 'Insert Symbols' and text in Spelling dialog are not visible when applying 'Material Dark' theme in SimplifiedRichTextBoxToolbar.
[C1SimplifiedRichTextBoxToolbar] Fixed the issue where the whole window items are covered by violet color when clicking the 'Spelling' button of SimpliedRichTextBoxToolbar when changing other themes to Material theme.
Fixed the issue where the text being entered using the IME does not appear in the expected position.
Fixed the issue where the image does not load from HTML.
Themes for WPF
Bug Fixes
[FlexSheet][Themes] Fixed the issue where the text are not seen clearly in edit mode of FlexSheet with Office2016DarkGray Themes.
[Theme] Fixed the issue where the text in filter dropdown cannot be seen after applying 'ShinyBlue' theme to C1FlexSheet.
[Theme] Fixed the issue where the labels cannot be seen in 'Sparkline' of Data Visualization page after applying 'Shiny Blue' theme in 'Themes2010' Sample.
[Theme] Fixed the issue where the dropdown items cannot be seen in DataGrid after applying 'Material' theme in 'Themes2010' product sample.
[Theme] Fixed the issue where the theme does not apply in 'Line Numbers' dropdown of C1SimplifiedRichTextBoxToolbar/C1RichTextBoxToolbar when apply any C1Theme except Material themes.
[InputPanel][Theme] Fixed the issue where the 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in PresentationFramework.dll when clicking Next/Pervious button in many times of DateTimeEditor dropdown in InputPanel control in Material/MaterialDark theme.
[Theme][OutlookBar] Fixed the issue where the request to change appropriate distinct color of C1OutlookItem when applying "Office2016Black" theme in Theme2010 sample.
[ListBox][Theme] Fixed the issue where C1Themes removing Virtualization from ListBox.
[Theme][Treeview] Fixed the issue where the multiple Errors are observed in "ExpressionDark" theme in CustomThemes Sample.
Toolbar for WPF
Bug Fixes
[Theme][SimplifiedRibbon] Fixed the issue where expanding toolbar item is changed to collapsed state when changing one theme to another.
[Theme] Fixed the issue where the toolbar Strip menu button is not visible when C1MaterialDark theme is applied in C1Toolbar.
[Theme] Fixed the issue where the collapsed toolbar items cannot be expanded properly by clicking 'Collapsed' button of C1Toolbar after applying some C1 dark themes.
Now, the support for collapsing/expanding the dropdown has been added.
Automation for WPF
Improve supports for DataGrid cells.
Schedule for WPF
Default print templates have been updated to only use VB.Net syntax supported by the Roslyn compiler.