In This Topic
Basic Library for WPF
Bug fixes
- [TreeView] Fixed the issue of NullReferenceException thrown while applying C1Theme after selecting TreeView item inside C1TabItem and navigated to other tab items.
- [TreeView] Fixed the issue of NullReferenceException thrown when dragging C1DockTabItem having C1TreeView content if C1Theme is applied.
- [TreeView] Fixed the issue for DataContext of selected child treeview item always returns as parent category item in mouse handler.
- [Menu] Fixed the issue of Dark themes displaying unexpected appearance of C1MenuItems when custom styling is used.
- [Template]Fixed the issue of 'Exception of Type: System.Exception' thrown and project not created while creating "WPF Blank App (C# and VB)" projects through C1 WPF project template on VS2017.
- Fixed the issue where AboutBox link was not shown in the contextmenu of C1 controls in NetCore3.0 project.
- [DataSource] Fixed the issue pf C1.Xaml.WPF.Data.Entity missing dependency EntityFramework 6.0.0.
- [C1TreeView] Fixed the issue of Layout is calculated incorrectly if HeaderTemplate is not used.
- [C1NumericBox] Fixed the issue of IME not working properly when AllowNull=true and value is empty.
- [Template] Fixed the issue of Eng C1 nuget packages are used in all NetCore projects created by C1WPF project template from JPN build.
- [Template] Fixed the issue of target new templates for VS2019 and above only.
- [Template] Fixed the issue of renaming "WPF RichTextBox App (VB)" to "WPF RichTextBox App .Net Core 3.0 (VB)".
- [Template] Fixed the issue of C1WPFProjectTemplate.vsix cannot be installed on VS2019.
- [Template] Fixed the issue of 'Exception of Type: System.Exception' thrown and project not created while creating "WPF Blank App (C# and VB)" projects through C1 WPF project template on VS2017.
- Added new icons for the toolbox.
- Updated .net framework to 4.5.2.
- Updated project template to add new template for RichTextBox and SimplifiedRichTextBoxToolbar.
- Added DesignTools dll for NetCore3
DataGrid for WPF
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue of FullTextFilter not filtering the cells where its values start or end with special characters when 'MatchWholeWord' filter option is set.
- Fixed the issue of C1DataGrid filters not working with DynamicObjects.
- Fixed the issue of Filtering with FullTextFilter not working correctly on number and date time columns having format.
DateTime for WPF
Bug fixes
- [C1DatePicker] Fixed the issue where DisplayMode=Year and AllowNull=true and selecting the already focused month was not working.
- [DateTimeEditor] Fixed the issue where input error value was not reset.
- [C1DatePicker] Fixed the issue of unable to set focus on "DateTimeEditor" through Tab key while selecting other control after opening the calender drop down.
DockControl for WPF
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue of C1DockTabItem's name was not kept while loading from xml.
FlexChart for WPF
Bug fixes
- Fixed the issue with data labels in Sunburst. Parameters {value} and {y} were not displayed in labels.
- Fixed the issue of exception thrown during animation of histogram plot.
- Fixed the issue with incorrect point selection when data has null values.
- Fixed the issue of exception thrown when setting chart type to Histogram at design time.
- Fixed the issue of the normal curve rotated correctly in Histogram chart.
- Fixed the issue of possible exceptions in FlexPie's animation.
FlexGrid for WPF
Bug fixes
- Fixed the issue of ResizingColumns event not fired in FlexGrid.
- Fixed the issue of FullTextFilter not filtering the cells where its values start or end with special characters when 'MatchWholeWord' filter option is set.
- Fixed the issue of Frozen Rows and columns dragged outside of app view.
- [Sample] Fixed the issue where unpinned column is reordered with the next column when the pinned column is unpinned in flexgrid.
- Fixed the issue of exception thrown while using print preview function after deleting all columns/rows.
- Added export option to allow users to remove blank cells when exporting.
- Added support of AllowingFreezing API to freeze rows and columns in FlexGrid.
- Added the FlexGrid101NetCore3 sample.
- [Sample] Changed the pinned icon of 'ColumnPinning' product sample like UWP.
FlexViewer for WPF
Bug fixes
- Fixed the issue of FlexViewer not working properly with Viewbox.
FlexSheet for WPF
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue for focus cursor of Comment box was not shown beside the border in C1FlexSheet.
- Fixed the issue of typed text not visible while typing in Comment box over 5 sentences.
- Fixed the issue of deleting of filter applied column not removing the filter on FlexSheet.
- Fixed the issue to Adjust value when set invalid frozen rows/columns.
- Fix the issue of exception thrown while pasting clipboard when there is no available rows/columns.
- Fixed the issue of invisible rows not resized properly although extra height is added to the rows in rotating text.
- Fixed the issue of filtering removed in bound sheet while sorting is applied after new sheet is added.
- Fixed the issue of Size of "Select All" filter text and footer area also increased while increasing the filter dialog by mouse dragging.
- Fixed the issue of ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurring after deleting all rows/columns and save the FlexSheet to 'PDF' format.
- Fixed the issue of 'System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException' occurring in mscorlib.dll when deleting all rows after deleting all columns in C1FlexSheet sample.
- Fixed the issue where all rows were deleted while deleting columns.
- Fixed the issue where column headers will be kept so it's easier for users to insert new rows when rows are deleted.
- Added support of Allow Freezing.
- Increased the comment box size.
- Added Refactor code for better resource management.
GanttView for WPF
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue of Task information dialog not allowing entering line break in Notes tab.
- Fixed the issue of ExternalException: Generic error occurring in GDI+ observed in C1GanttView.
RichTextBox for WPF
Bug fixes
- Fixed the issue of commands not working with multiple C1TableRowGroups.
- Fixed the issue to provide line number alignment to synchronice with MSWord.
- Fixed the issue of selection font size not reflected on entering Japanese text in RichTextBox.
- Fixed the issue of loading html in C1RichTextBox showing inconsistent output in browser.
- Fixed the issue of setting RichTextBox's FontFamily that clears the font family in Toolbar.
- Added line numbers feature in C1RichTextBox toolbar.
- Added line number alignment to synchronice with MSWord.
- Added DesignTools dll for NetCore3.
RichTextBoxToolbar for WPF
Bug fixes
- [SimplifiedRichTextBoxToolbar] Fixed the issue of NullReference exception thrown while choose any item from 'Line Numbers' ComboBox if RichTextBox is not set as Binding Element.
- [C1SimplifiedRibbonToolbar]Fixed the issue of text within the 'Home' tab was not localized when setting CultureInfo at run time.
- [SimplifiedRichTextBoxToolbar] Fixed the issue of NullReference exception thrown while choose any item from 'Line Numbers' ComboBox if RichTextBox is not set as Binding Element.
Word for WPF
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue of paragraph numbering not retained on loading and saving DOCX file with C1WordDocument.
Zip for WPF
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where Zip entry garbled name on Windows Explorer while using UTF8 encoding.
Note: Added design time support for NetCore3 in the following controls:
- C1.WPF
- C1.WPF.Toolbar
- C1.WPF.Theming
- C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Toolbar
- C1.WPF.FlexSheet
- C1.WPF.FlexGridFilter
- C1.WPF.FlexGrid.GroupPanel
- C1.WPF.FlexGrid
- C1.WPF.FlexChart
- C1.WPF.Extended
- C1.WPF.Docking
- C1.WPF.DateTime