[VS2019][Template] Fixed the issue where data source templates C1DbCtxCSEF6VS2019.vsix and C1DbCtxVBEF6VS2019.vsix could not be installed on VS2019.
[VS 2019][ProjectTemplate] Fixed the issue where C1ProjectType.vsix could not be installed on VS 2019 Preview 2.
[C1TileListBox] Fixed the issue where C1TileListBox froze upon scrolling/resizing window.
[C1TileListBox] Fixed the issue where the number of items displayed were affected by the size of Items in C1TileListBox.
[C1Combobox] Fixed the issue where Null was saved back to the bound property after completion of editing in a C1ComboBox cell of a TemplatedColumn in the C1DataGrid.
[C1TabControl] Fixed the issue where 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in PresentationFramework.dll on opening the dropdown of the SimplifiedRibbonGroup after changing the form size to minimum and altering the Themes.
[C1NumericBox] Fixed the issue where setting IsTabStop to False in Input and Editor based UWP controls did not work correctly.
[C1DataGrid] Fixed the issue where the Editor cell in DataGrid did not always show the selected item in scrollable view upon opening the drop down.
[C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where the selected item was getting reset in C1ComboBox after changing the view.
[C1DockControl] Fixed the issue where the Map control placed inside C1DockControl was not working.
Fixed the issue where the C1RangeSlider's thumbs never stuck together upon using it inside the C1DataGrid's Filter.
Fixed the issue where Submenu items did not auto close on resizing the window, changing the position of window and moving the focus to other windows even after setting the AutoClose property to True.
[C1FontIcon] Added TextDecorations property.
Updated the project template to support VS 2019.
Breaking Changes C1PathIcon class has been renamed to C1PolygonIcon.
C1SVGIcon class has been renamed to C1PathIcon.
Binding Expressions for WPF
[CalcEngine] Added new formulas NOW, TODAY.
DataGrid for WPF
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where clipboard data could be pasted in non-editable cell.
[DataGrid.Excel] Fixed the issue where DataGrid bound columns did not use Binding Converter while exporting or saving DataGrid.
Fixed the issue where the column width increased after few horizontal scrollings (back and forth).
Fixed the issue where the selected row changed when sorting or filtering was applied and Filter Row was added in C1DataGrid.
Fixed the issue where the grid could stop responding when the freeze bar was dragged and a hidden freeze column was included.
Extended FullTextSearchBehavior functionality. Added new properties: MatchWholeWord, MatchCase, MatchNumbers and TreatSpacesAsAndOperator.
DateTime Editor for WPF
Bug fixes
[C1DateTimePicker][C1DatePicker][C1TimeEditor] Fixed the issue where items could not be navigated using "TAB" key from keyboard.
[C1DatePicker][C1TimeEditor][C1DateTimePicker] Fixed the issue where setting IsTabStop to False in Input and the Editor based UWP controls did not work correctly.
DockControl for WPF
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where DockTabControl was shown at some random location for a while when dragged out from Docked to Floating mode.
Fixed the issue where it was not possible to change the size of the dock through mouse.
Fixed the issues regarding restored layout and display of tabs in C1DockControl.
Excel for WPF
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where FitPagesAcross and FitPagesDown value were not set correctly in Page SetUp dialog while saving the excel file in OpenXML format.
Fixed the issue where FitPagesDown value was shown although the value was not set on saving the excel file in OpenXML format.
Fixed the issue where 'Excel found unreadable content in new1.xlsx. Do you want to recover the contents of this workbook?' error message box was shown when loading saved excel file.
Fixed the issue where PrintSettings.AutoScale was changing value when zero was set as FitPagesAcross, FitPagesDown value.
Fixed the issue where all images were not saved on saving Grid to multiple sheet XLS (BIFF8 format) excel file.
Fixed the issue where the sheets were not loaded correctly in certain xlsx files.
Fixed the issue where the NumberFormat Style was lost and the saved excel file was required to be repaired when opened in MS Excel.
Fixed the issue where information on format and input rule was missing in C1Excel.
Fixed the issue where "Input string was not in a correct format" error occurred while loading Excel spreadsheet.
Supports data validations of C1Excel.
Added [JPN] new 5th Era support.
FlexChart for WPF
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue with hidden legend group's titles under several conditions.
Fixed the issue where reversed legend did not work correctly with pie chart.
Fixed the issue where there was incorrect line chart clipping.
Fixed the issue where an exception occurred on setting DataLabel.Position= Auto for empty pie chart.
Fixed the issue with scrollbar layout for auxiliary axes.
Fixed the issue where Axis.MajorGrid did not sync with MajorUnit for categorical data.
Fixed the issue where axis max labels are not shown even after setting Axis.MaxLabels to true when MajorUnit is specified.
Fixed the issue where bottom plot areas exceed boundary of AxisX line when there was less space to display all the plot areas.
Fixed the issue where plot margin did not apply correctly for multiple plot area.
Fixed the issue where exception occurred during animation after adding data point to empty collection.
Added automatic data label positioning for pie chart (new enum member PieLabelPosition.Auto).
Added localization mechanism for text and localizations for ja,ko and zh.
FlexGrid for WPF
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where sort Icon size changed with the ColumnHeader's row height and column width when Filter Service was also being used.
Fixed the issue where SortIconTemplate's font icon was not shown clearly when SortIconTemplate and FilterIconTemplate were used together.
Fixed the issue where AutoSizeColumns method with allCells argument=true was not working correctly.
Fixed the issue where the vertical scrollbar overlapped last column's content.
Fixed the issue where if window's IsEnable is set to false, followed by true upon grid's MouseUp event, the grid does not scroll till next cell click.
[C1Icon] dded more icons in C1Icon.
Added full text filter in C1FlexGrid.
FlexSheet for WPF
Bug Fixes
[Themes] Fixed the issue where the text was not seen clearly in the edit mode of FlexSheet with Office2016DarkGray Themes.
Fixed the issue where SortDialog displayed over other windows even after focus was lost from that dialog.
[CalcEngine] Added new formulas LOOKUP, VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, Public C1FlexSheet.CalcEngine API.
Editing and deleting comments are supported.
MultiSelect for WPF
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where 'System.NullReferenceException' was thrown after using SelectAll() prior to applying the template.
Fixed the issue where the focus cursor was moved to the front of the text and the last selected item was lost on pressing "Spacebar" key.
Fixed the issue where the NullReferenceException was thrown when pressing 'Up' key after deleting some characters of item in text display mode using 'Backspace' key.
[C1Checklist] Fixed the issue where SelectedItems could not be added through SelectedItemsCollectionEditor from the Properties window.
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where C1PdfDocument.DrawString's output was clipped (at the end of line) when the text length was greater than the page's width.
Fixed the issue where C1PdfDocument.DrawString's output was clipped (at the end of line) when the text length was greater than the page's width.
RichTextBox for WPF
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where C1RichTextBox - Scroll into view did not work properly on tabbing between table cells.
Fixed the issue where C1RichTextBox did not show complete content after vertical scrollbar was hidden.
Fixed the issue where the Clipboard was getting cleared after application closure.
Fixed the issue where Japanese text containing one-byte spaces did not wrap correctly, displaying half of a Japanese word in WrapWithOverflow.
Fixed the issue where text entered below the Table was displayed on the wrong side in output HTML file.
Fixed the issue where Japanese text containing one-byte spaces did not wrap correctly.
Fixed the issue where System.IndexOutOfRangeException was thrown in C1.WPF.RichTextBox.4.dll on changing the font size in C1RichTextBox.
Fixed the issue where the applied font family and font size were not displayed in FontFamily and FontSize dropdowns if the selected text range had images.
Fixed the issue where the line break did not occur although HTML contents contained the <br> tag.
Fixed the issue where some formatted text and images were lost while loading HTML files into RichTextBox.
[RichTextBox.Toolbar] Fixed the issue where "Tools" menu of C1RichTextBoxToolbar opens even when "Spelling" dialog is opened.
Fixed the issue where incorrect behavior was observed on setting TextWrapping property of C1RichTextBox to WrapWithOverflow.
Added TextWrapping for Japanese text.
Toolbar for WPF
Bug Fixes
[SimplifiedRibbon] Fixed the issue where "Cannot find resource named PopupBackgroundBrush" error occurred.
[RichTextBox] Fixed the issue where the icons of auto combined group dropdown were distorted in RichTextBoxToolbar.
[SimplifiedRibbon] Fixed issues in themes.
[SimplifiedRibbon] Fixed the issue where the System.ArgumentException occurred on loading SimplifiedRibbon with SimplifiedTabItem when WindowState was minimized at design time.
[SimplifiedRibbon] Fixed the issue where collapsed/expand button of SimplifiedRibbon did not change accordingly when IsCollapsed property was changed at design time and run time.
Fixed the issue where the dropdown width of the simplified ribbon group was shown as the full width of the screen even after changing the form size to minimum value.
Breaking Changes
C1PathIcon class has been renamed to C1PolygonIcon.
C1SVGIcon class has been renamed to C1PathIcon.
TileView for WPF
Bug Fix
Fixed the issue where C1TileView Item's layout, in default state, was changed on setting MinimizedItemsPosition to Top/Bottom.
Zip for WPF
Breaking Changes
The default encoding for file names has been changed to UTF8.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where Umlaut renders incorrectly while viewing a zipped file.
Added new ZipEncoding class. The ZipEncoding.Encoding property specifies encoding used for zip entry names and comments. The default encoding is UTF8.