Fixed the issue where lines between symbols of a LineSymbols chart are not rendered when zoomed in by changing the axis Scale values.
Fixed the problem with axis title and rotated annotations for 3D charts.
Datagrid for WPF
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where FreezingSeparator does not work fine with hidden columns.
Fixed the issue where scrolling C1DataGrid using PageDown does not work correctly sometimes.
Fixed the issue of Incorrect selection in C1DataGrid.
Fixed the issue where [DataGrid.Filters] cell value is not updated when the binding source is updated and C1FullTextSearchBehavior is applied to the grid.
Fixed the issue where selection does not work in C1DataGrid when multiple rows are added in row's header.
Added MergedRanges property. It is used to get or set merged ranges in C1DataGrid by users.
DockControl for WPF
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the screen position of floating DockTabControl is not loaded.
DocumentLibrary for WPF
Now C1DocumentSource.ShowPrintUIAsync() method uses C1DocumentSource.DefaultPrintOptions.
Added C1DocumentSource.DefaultPrintOptions property allows to define default print options.
Set C1DocumentSource.DefaultPrintOptions.PageScaling to FitToPrintableArea if document's margins are too small and less than printable margins of physical printer.
Excel for WPF
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where multiple sheets needs to be selected while saving the excel through
Fixed the issue where hyperlinks in resultant excel file do not work in some special condition.
Fixed the issue where C1Excel errors occured with .xlsm file.
Fixed the issue where invalid Excel OpenXml file (*.xlsx) exception is thrown on loading C1XLBook with xlsx created in LibreOffice.
Fixed the issue where text written by RTF format is not shown in exported excel file.
Fixed the issue where error occurs on exporting the report with RTF format to excel file (.xls)
Added SelectedIndexes property for the XLSheet class (the index array of the sheets
that is selected).
ExpressionEditor for WPF
Breaking Changes
Added new method AddAlias into the IEngine interface.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where blank tooltip is shown when hovering the mouse on ExpressionTextBox.
Fixed the issue where tooltips and functiondescriptions was not Localized on changing any CultureInfo at runtime.
Fixed the issue where showing tooltips is overlapped upon Intelligence box when it only ruuning at right side of the window screen.
Fixed the issue where Alphabetical order was not provided for the items of the categories selection.
Fixed the issue where items of the functions are shown with irrelevant order. Fixed the issue where System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown on entering "Instr(" in expression box.
Added support of field aliases (System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute and System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.DisplayAttribute).
Added support of BrowsableAttribute for fields. Aggregate functions with one argument works for all items from DataSource.
Added alphabetical order for the items of the categories selection. Added toolbar button to enter English quotes.
FlexChart for WPF
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where no data is shown in StockChart sample and System.Net.WebException is thrown.
Fixed the issue where XAML designer shows InvalidOperationException for Histogram and RangedHistogram charts.
Fixed the issue where data labels are not displayed although setting properties of Series.DataLabel.
Fixed the issue where scrolling via AxisScrollbar causes memory leak if the data objects are implementing INotifyPropertyChanged.
Fixed the issue where System.Exception is thrown in C1FlexChart dll internally.
Fixed the issue where incorrect description of GroupStyle property is displayed in IntelliSense.
Fixed the issue where GroupStyle properties for numeric axis labels grouped by GroupProvider are not affected.
Fixed the issue where lines cropped on stacked Y plot.
Fixed problem with memory leak when Direct2D mode is used via RDP.
Fixed the issue where AxisScrollbar's are not rendered at correct positions if their Visibility is changed at run-time.
Fixed the issue where the 'Binding' property is mandatory for the 'Histogram' series to be plotted, even though it has no effect.
Fixed the issue where text doesn't get displayed on Polygon Annotation with Attachment set to Relative.
[C1FlexChart] Improved the performance of Histogram charts with large data source.
[C1FlexChart] Improved DirectX rendering at high DPI screens. Add new features to stock analysis sample, eg: price warning, more settings for indicators and overlays.
[C1TreeMap] Added new NodeRendering, NodeRendered events to TreeMap
[C1FlexChart] Added new SortDescending property to RangedHistogram
[C1FlexPie,C1Sunburst] Data labels can be hidden or trimmed if their content is outside pie segment. Added new PieDataLabels.Overlapping property and corresponding enum PieLabelOverlapping.
[C1FlexChart] Staggered axis labels. New Axis.StaggeredLines property.
[C1FlexChart] Trim or wrap the overlapping axis labels. New members of OverlappingLabels enum: Trim and WordWrap.
[C1FlexChart] Rotated data labels. New DataLabel.Angle property.
[C1FlexChart] Series-specific data labels. New Series.DataLabel property.
[C1FlexChart] Automatic positioning of data labels without overlapping. New 'Auto' member of LabelPosition enum.
[C1FlexChart] Trim or wrap data label content. New DataLabel's properties: MaxWidth, MaxLines, ContentOptions and corresponding ContentOptions enum.
[C1FlexChart] Control appearance of overlapped data labels. New DataLabel's properties Overlapping and OverlappingOptions and corresponding enums LabelOverlapping and LabelOverlappingOptions.
FlexGrid for WPF
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where ColumnFooters not getting merged.
[FlexGridFilter] Fixed the issue where TaskInfoDialog can't create StartOnly and FinishOnly task.
[FlexGridFilter] Fixed the issue where you need to set DatePicker at place of TextBox in C1FlexGrid's filter.
FlexReport for WPF
Added property to C1FlexReport.BehaviorOptions. bool FireOnFormatForEachInstanceOfRepeatedGroupSection { get; set; }
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the OnFormat script is fired for each instance of a repeated group section, or just once for the first instance.Applies only to groups with Repeat property set to true.
[FlexViewer] Supported various page scaling modes during printing.
FlexSheet for WPF
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the cell with number format displays incorrectly when load a Excel.
GanttView for WPF
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where ReadOnly GanttView is not in ReadOnly mode after loading new xml file.
Fixed the issue where a there is an no consistency in appearance of GanttView toolbar's menu icon.
TaskInfoDialog can't create StartOnly and FinishOnly task.
MultiSelect for WPF
Released beta version.
MediaPlayer for WPF
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where some operations do not work correctly in C1MediaPlayer.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where unexpected rendering occurs on saving a PDF document with FontType specified as Standard or TrueType.
Fixed the issue where a garbled character appears when C1TreeView is outputted to C1PdfViewer.
RichTextBox for WPF
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the cursor in C1RichTextBox is misaligned when its TextOptions.TextFormattingMode property is set to "Display".
Fixed the issue where position of the cursor is moved one line upward without going to the beginning when bullet in the RichTextBox is deleted with backspace.
Fixed the issue where System.NotSupported Exception is thrown when a specific text is pasted in C1RichTextBox.
Schedule for WPF
Bug Fixes
DuskBlue, DuskGreen, MediaPlayer and Vista themes has been moved to the new C1.WPF.Schedule.Themes.Legacy.4 assembly.
Corresponding properties of the C1SchedulerResources and C1CalendarResources classes have been marked as obsolete.
Default appearacnce have been changed from Office 2007 to Office 2016 Colorful.
Improved layout of short appointments in views with small visual interval scale.
Added new embedded themes Office2010 Blue, Black, Silver.
Added new embedded themes Office2016 Colorful, White, Black, DarkGray.
Default appearance have been changed from Office 2007 to Office 2016 Colorful.
Theming for WPF
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue in MS ComboBox and ScrollBar styles in Office2013, Office2016, Cosmopolitan themes.
Word for WPF
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where outline set in MS Word cannot be read properly.
Fixed the issue where font size is not retained in heading style text when loading and saving as .docx file using C1WordDocument.
Fixed the issue partly where RoundRectangleShape looses rounded corner/text on saving to *.rtf/*/docx formats respectively.
Fixed the issue where bullet color is not retained when load the word document and save it as '.docx' using C1WordDocument.
Fixed the issue where extra spaces are added in heading style text when read and write in new C1WordDocument.
Fixed the issue where total page count number is not properly shown in exported .docx and .rtf files when loading the .docx file contained table.
Fixed the issue where Unable to properly read outline set in MS Word.
Fixed the issue where alignment of text and image in the MS document are missing when read/write in another C1WordDocument.
Fixed the issue where alignment and FontStyle of RTFParagraph are affected to the adjacent RTFString with different behavior in (.docx) and (.rtf) files.
Fixed the issue where ForeColor of RTFParagraph are affected to the adjacent RtfDateField when save the document with (.rtf) format.
Fixed the issue where FlexReport exported to docx generates the entire document in bold and italics.
Fixed the issue where column layout in the word document is not retained when read and write it in another document.
Fixed the issue partly where bullet are not retained when load the word document and save it in another document.)
Fixed the issue where center alignment of text are slightly missing in rtf file when read the word document and write in C1WordDocument.
Fixed the issue where loading and saving a file with newline removes newline characters.
Fixed the issue where loading Docx file into C1Word created issues.
Bug Fixes
[C1TileListBox] Fixed the issue where ItemsPanelTemplate is required to display C1Tile in C1TileListBox based on the grouping.