Added the CreateImage method to the C1Bitmap class which creates the internal image of the given size with un-initialized content.
Added the Import method to C1Bitmap class for more efficient copying the image between instances of C1Bitmap.
Bug Fix
Fixed a bug with image DPI in the Import and CreateImage methods of the C1Bitmap class.
Chart for WPF
Bug Fix
Fixed the issue where setting the Theme property to Vista in designer throws NullReference exception.
DataGrid for WPF
Breaking Change
Removed some old obsolete stuff.
DataGridCellPresenter.MergedRange property converted from dependency property to simple CLR property.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the foreground color of the group rows in DataGrid is not saved in the exported excel (.xls or .xlsx) file.
Fixed the memory leak issue while printing to PDF or XPS.
Fixed the issue where the drop down remains in initial place while opening the combo box/ drop down column and scrolling.
Fixed the issue where disable pasting changes to C1DataGrid when the ReadOnly property is set to true.
Excel for WPF
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where C1Excel replaces '@' symbol to new line "\n".
Fixed multiple observed when loading .xlsx file that contains cells with thousand separators and 11 decimal values.
Fixed the issue where 'I' cursor is not shown in FlexGrid edit mode when loading .xlsx file to FlexGrid using LoadExcel method.
Fixed the issue where the height of an image is reduced when image is added and saved to excel file using C1Excel.
Fixed the issue where 'Invalid Excel OpenXml file' error occurs on opening an excel file containing TabColor and formula after saving as another one.
Fixed the issue where an exception is thrown on loading an Excel file by C1Excel.
Fixed the issue where width and height of an image is not retained in an output .xls/.xlsx file.
Fixed the issue where System.ArgumentException is thrown in C1.WPF.Excel.4.dll on loading .xslx file containing Japanese text.
FlexChart for WPF
Added ErrorBar and BoxWhisker series.
Added Fibonacci tools in FinancialChart.
Added Envelops and Bollinger Bands overlay series in FinancialChart.
Added MACD and Stochastic indicators in FinancialChart.
Added axis binding support.
Added PlotAreas support.
Bug Fix
Fixed the issue where height of the bar in a Bar chart gets shortened when it includes a long value for the 'BindingX' parameter.
Fixed the issue where the StrokeDashArray is not applied to FlexChart on setting the FunnelType as Rectangle and RenderMode as Direct2D.
Fixed the issue where the FlexChart is not clipped in the exported image.
Fixed the issue where Legend text is rendered unevenly to legend icon when exporting FlexChart to SVG format.
Fixed the issue where part of a series covers the Y-axis when exporting FlexChart to SVG format.
Fixed the issue where dotted line of Series is shown as solid line in exported SVG image while setting the StrokeDashArray property.
Fixed the issue where AxisY of series is not closed to MajorGrid.
Fixed the issue where ErrorBar disappears when changing the ChartType to 'Area' or 'SplineArea'.
Fixed the issue where part of DataSeries exceed PlotAreas is not cut off in FlexChart on setting FlexChart.AxisY.Min/Max value.
Fixed multiple issues observed when setting some value to DataLabelPosition, Offset, SelectedItemOffset, and InnerRadius to 1.
Fixed the issue where IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown by shrinking form size when DataLabelPosition is set to any position other than 'None'.
FlexGrid for WPF
Breaking Change
Removed the ShowGroups property.
Added support for filtering values by using ExpandoObject.
Improved loading and scrolling performance.
Bug Fix
Fixed the issue where null values are shown in the result when "is Less than or Equal to" or "is Less than" conditional filter is used.
Fixed the issue where the group header rows are not shown in FlexGrid if AutoGenerateColumns property is changed at run time.
Fixed the issue where the sorting action is not performed correctly when the FlexGrid is binding with XmlDataProvider.
FlexSheet for WPF
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where outlines are distorted when loading outline contains .xlsx file to C1FlexSheet.
Fixed the issue the first row of selection is not within the outline area of FlexSheet after grouping.
Fixed the issue where the AlternatingRowBackground property is not affected to FlexSheet.
Fixed the issue where grouping can not be applied to FlexSheet while the selection range contains the last cell.
Fixed the issue where the angle format of text do not retain while saving or loading the FlexSheet.
Fixed the issue where (-) is displayed at all of the Column Headers on opening an output PDF file exported by C1FlexSheet.SavePdf method.
Fixed the issue where formula of specific cells is not getting copied and pasted along with the cell value.
Fixed the issue where an exception is thrown in WindowsBase.dll on exporting FlexSheet to PDF format using FlexSheet.SavePdf method.
FlexViewer for WPF
The error message text is displayed on a page that can not be rendered because of an internal error.
FlexView now provides optimized printing of multiple copies.
GanttView for WPF
Adjusted the appearance of context menu and tier text, which were not visible for some built-in themes.
Added support for importing tasks from MS Project.
Added print preview option in the Print dialog.
Added support for creating tasks through mouse drag.
Added support for collapsing and expanding group tasks and summary tasks
Added support for indenting and outdenting tasks in grid view.
Added link line for linking tasks through mouse drag.
Added adaptive bar height support. When the AdaptiveBarHeight is set false, the bar height can be adjusted by setting the BarHeight property. When the AdaptiveBarHeight is set to true, the bar height adjusts as per the font of GanttView.
Added themes support in GanttView and its dialogs.
Added undo and redo action through Ctrl+Z/Ctrl+Y shortcuts.
Refactor the toolbar using ToolBar control instead of C1Menu.
Added procedure to stop user from opening Task Information dialog when a task bar is double clicked.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where group tasks cannot be expanded/collapsed and does not show highlight color.
Fixed the issue where the ChartDateFormat property is not exposed under C1.WPF.GanttView.C1GanttView.
Fixed the issue where project summary task cannot be expanded or collapsed.
Fixed the issue where "Unit size mismatch: ....." dialog box is displayed while setting the MiddleTier to Year and the BottomTier to any of the Units.
Fixed the issue where milestone tasks cannot be created through Task Information dialog in GanttView.
Fixed the issue where the task bar cannot be dragged after clicking a task bar and changing its property.
Fixed the issue where the FieldStyle ignores the currently selected cell in grid view while applying some FieldStyle properties to all the fields.
Fixed the issue where the Values drop down items are lost after deleting Test drop down items, and the focus is lost in Advanced Filter dialog.
Fixed the issue where applied manual value(s) of AdvancedFilters is shown as Auto in Advanced Filter dialog while using the ApplyFilters method.
Fixed the issue where deadline marker disappears while changing manual task bar into DurationOnly task bar.
Fixed the issue where zoom in/zoom out feature cannot work on pressing Ctrl key and mouse wheel in the chart view.
Fixed the issue where the Predecessors/Successor link can not be added by drag and drop action.
Fixed the issue where the items of Format/Example combo box is not updated/refresh to minutes formats/examples only when selecting Minutes in Units combo box.
Fixed the issue where Format and Example combo boxes data are disappeared when setting the bottom tier units to Minutes and then reopen the Timescales dialog box.
Fixed the issue where Work Weeks\Exceptions is not maintained when opening Change Working Time dialog again after adding a Work Weeks\Exceptions.
Fixed the issue where the Start and Finish dates are not affected for new Auto Task if Duration value is not set.
Fixed the issue where the Constraint Date, Start Date and Finish Date do not change although auto task is moved.
Fixed the issue where the horizontal scroll thumb keeps moving until the end when dragging the task bar by exceeding the visible screen.
Fixed the issue where the top and bottom text of the task bar is clipped at the place of overlapping with "NonworkingTime" position.
Fixed the issue where the task bar color is changed to inactive (dimmed) when dragging the task bar by exceeding the visible screen and horizontal scroll bar is going to the original position of the task bar when releasing the task bar with visible state.
Fixed the issue where the mouse pointer does not update after dragging a task bar and moving the mouse up/down.
Fixed the issue where setting different values to ZoomFactors, and scrolling the horizontal scrollbar, the later part of chart view and time scale area appear distorted.
Fixed the issue where the task bar Interactivity tooltip does not respond after dragging the task bar vertically.
Fixed the issue where data validation is not shown while applying invalid Advanced filter.
Fixed the issue where task bars cannot be dragged while opening Task Information dialog of task bar and clicking Show Project Summary menu.
Fixed the issue where the splitter can be moved via keyboard and disappears while dragging it over visual area.
Fixed the issue where blank rows are sorted between the task rows when tasks are sorted Ascending by using CustomColumn value.
Fixed the issue where the System.ArgumentException is thrown in WindowsBase.dll when zoom in to a task bar and zoom entire project.
Fixed the issue where task bar exceeds visible tiers of time scale while setting the CharViewZoomFactor property to zero '9.
Fixed the issue where Items in BarShape combo boxes are clipped in BarStyle dialog in GanttView.
Fixed the issue where the %Complete value of task bar change if dragging ProjectSummary task bar.
Fixed the issue where bar height is invalid for task bar while setting it through Bar Style dialog.
Fixed the issue where TaskMode can not be filtered by Advanced Filter in GanttView.
Fixed the issue where the System.InvalidOperationException is thrown in PresentationFramework.dll while printing the GanttView.
Fixed the issue where decimal value can be added in the %Completed column in grid view or dragging the ProgressBar in chart view.
Fixed the issue where the focus cannot get into Group Title when all the tasks are grouped with build-in grouping.
Fixed the issue where matched tasks are not shown when applying "Percent Complete" filter by using "Equal" and "DoesNotEqual" test operator after dragging the "Percent Complete" as '63' value in tasks.
Fixed the issue where System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException thrown in mscorlib.dll when deleting last task in the grid view.
Fixed the issue where the deadline cannot be added in custom calendar of the Change Working Time dialog.
Fixed the issue where the scroll bar automatically moves to the left when scrolling the scroll bar to the right and drag the task.
Fixed the issue where SelectedIndexChanged event is not on adding a new blank row in blank GanttView.
Fixed the issue where Auto Task bar moves according to its predecessor with modified start date.
Fixed the issue where System.NullReferenceException is thrown in C1.WPF.GanttView.4.dll and PresentationFramework.dll on sorting tasks defined at design time.
Fixed the issue where deadline marker can not be dragged drop in the chart view.
Fixed the issue where LeftText and RightText are not rendered in chart view while BarType is "Progress Bar".
Fixed the issue where printing output files does not honor the applied orientation.
Fixed the issue where System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown in PresentationFramework.dll while sorting new calendar in Manage Custom Calendars.
Fixed the issue where System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown in mscorlib.dll while dragging column of empty grid view.
Fixed the issue where Start and End shape is not adapted to enlarged task bar.
Fixed the issue where custom time units is not displayed in the combo box in Zoom dialog.
Fixed the issue where BeforeZoomFactorChange and ZoomFactorChanged events are not fired on setting the "Zoom entire project".
Fixed the issue where Completed tick marks are not shown for tasks with PercentComplete = 100% in row header area of grid view.
Fixed the issue where index of the task is lost in row header area while "Error" icon is shown.
Fixed the issue where old index returns again even after the current index has already returned when getting "SelectedTaskIndex" in SelectedIndexChanged event and clicking "Move Task Up" and "Move Task Down" button.
Fixed the issue where selection highlight is automatically jumped to the task position of Index 0 and selected focus is lost for the first selected cell on selecting a task and added a new task from the "Add Task" button and canceling it.
Fixed the issue where task bar Interactivity tooltip is not responding on dragging the task bar while cell is in edit mode.
Fixed the issue where deadline is not created in Project Summary task.
Fixed the issue where applying Office2007Black and Office2010Blue theme does not impact the context menu.
Fixed the issue where the task bar of a FinishOnly task is created after Today line in the chart view.
Fixed the issue where the group bar is missing in tasks grouped by Duration after zooming entire project.
Fixed the issue where expanding/Collapsing marker is not moving with Task Name column.
Fixed the issue where FieldStyle ignores some cells in grid view while applying Foreground FieldStyle property for "All" field of SummaryTask.
Fixed the issue where Expanding/Collapsing marker disappeared after expanding/collapsing group row twice.
Fixed the issue where new expanding/collapsing markers are displayed in "Percent Complete" column after grouping tasks and adding columns in grid view.
Fixed the issue where System.ArgumentException is thrown in PresentationFramework.dll after choosing specific dates and clicking 'Preview' button.
Fixed the issue where the print preview window is too big to resize its shape in GanttView.
Fixed the issue where System.NullReferenceException is thrown in PresentationFramework.dll while clear group type and set Maintain Hierarchy option to True.
Fixed the issue where LeftText and RightText are not rendered in ChartView while BarType is set to Progress Bar.
Fixed the issue where collapsed rows cannot be expanded after grouping and opening Preview dialog.
Fixed the issue where some content is invisible while setting some themes in GanttView.
Fixed the issue where new added predecessor task name is shown as '#xlo.#tVs' instead of 'Undefined' while setting theme as 'BureauBlack' or 'WhistlerBlue'.
Fixed the issue where task bar does not become 'Active immediately after it is changed from Inactive' and vice versa.
Fixed the issue where System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException is thrown in PresentationFramework.dll while double-clicking 'ActualCost' field name in Advanced Filter dialog.
Fixed the issue where System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown when deleting the last and only one task at run time.
Fixed the issue where an exception is thrown on clicking in chart view after dragging down task row to resize and scrolling down using mouse wheel in grid view.
Fixed the issue where sorting feature is not working in GanttView at all.
Fixed the issue where an exception is thrown when task name is changed, GanttView is in edit mode, bar style is applied and combo box in the column is opened.
Fixed the issue where Milestone Summary task bar shape is shown as in both "Start" shape and "End" shape in the chart view.
Fixed the issue where System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown in mscorlib.dll on switching group types for the collapsed tasks.
Fixed the issue where System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown in mscorlib.dll on changing TaskMode and removing applied grouping.
Fixed the issue where an exception is thrown on deleting grouped rows at run time.
Fixed the issue where the GroupBar of GanttView has edges in both side.
Fixed the issue where instead of a warning message box, System.ArgumentException is thrown in PresentationFramework.dll after clicking preview/print button if all margins are set to over expected range.
Fixed the issue where ProgressBar of task can not be dragged at run time while ProgressLines are shown.
Fixed the issue where collapsing and expanding grouped notes enter to the EditMode of the TaskName cell.
Fixed the issue where current page number is not updated in PageNumer numeric box on page navigation in Print Preview dialog.
InputPanel for WPF
First release.
Added expanded and collapsed events.
Bug Fix
Fixed the issue where an exception is thrown when printing the Olap.
Fixed the issue where the condition in Custom Filter is shown as 'None' when its textbox lost focus.
Fixed the issue where Olap Chart cannot be fully printed in a PDF/XPS file while setting the ChartType to 'Column'.
OrgChart for WPF
Bug Fix
Fixed the issue where string and numeric values cannot be set for 'Header' property through property grid.
Fixed the issue where ConnectorLines are disorted when changing the ConnectorStartLineCap, ConnectorEndLineCap, HorizontalContentAlignment and VerticalContentAlignment properties.
Bug Fix
Fixed the issue where a PDF file containing Arabic text is scrambled.
RichTextBox for WPF
RichTextBox now supports Left/Center/Right table alignment properties
Bug Fix
Fixed the issue all the pasted text is not removed at once by an Undo (Ctrl+Z) action.
Fixed the issue where the table alignment is affected while selecting Row/Cell and applying the alignment to the Row/Cell contents.
Fixed the issue where System.NullReferenceException is thrown in C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Toolbar.4.dll when selecting row, column, cell, or table after resizing the page.
Themes for WPF
Bug Fix
Fixed the issue where in Office 2007 themes, the background color is not fully distributed to all rows (group and child rows ) in the PropertyGrid.
Fixed the issue where light background appears on light text when using CosmopolitanDark theme on C1ToolBarTabControl.
Toolbar for WPF
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where default style and borders get removed from a tab item when new tabs are inserted, selection is changed and Cosmopolitan theme is applied on it.
Fixed the issue where border of specific C1ToolbarTabItem item is lost while setting some themes and adding of new C1ToolbarTabItem at run time.
Word for WPF
Added ForeColor for Word and RTF paragraph objects.
Added support expand (spacing between characters) value for DOCX format.
Changed DOCX format reader for merged cell of the table.
Bug Fix
Fixed the issue where an image in the MS Word file is not retained when loaded to C1WordDocument and saved in .docx format.
Fixed the issue where text does not fit into field's bound in RTF/Word/Excel exported file when used in TextFitMode.
Fixed the issue where the fore color of RTF paragraph is not effected when C1WordDocumen is saved in RTF format.
Fixed the issue where an unhandled exception of type System.FormatException is thrown when a word document created by C1WordDocument is opened in C1WordDocument.
Fixed the issue where System.FormatException is thrown on loading a specific .docx file.
Fixed the issue where the text jumps to a new line in exported .docx file when RenderObjects use BaseNine fonts.
Fixed the issue where System.InvalidCastException is thrown when loading the .rtf file contained table.
Other Changes
Breaking Change
[TreeViewItem] Removed HeaderEditor template part from the TreeViewItem control. It should not affect control functionality in any way.
[ComboBox] Added multi-select feature for C1ComboItems
[TreeView] Simplified C1TreeViewItem ControlTemplate for better performance.
Bug Fix
[DockControl] Fixed the issue where the Main window containing C1DockControl gets focus even if a Message Box is open.
[PropertyGrid] Fixed the issue where collection editors created for the list type properties are shown at top of window screen.
[NumericBox] Fixed the issue where Validation Error ( red color rectangle ) is not shown on Page loading.[C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where one item can be selected repeatedly in Multiple SelctionMode.
[C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where the currently selected item is lost in the text area of comboBox while changing the SelectionMode at runtime.
[C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where selection toggle is not updated in the text area of ComboBox.
[C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where the first item is deselected automatically and can be selected second time even it has been selected by spacebar interaction in Multiple SelectionMode.