WPF Edition Release History | ComponentOne
WPF Edition Release History / 2016 v2.5
In This Topic
    2016 v2.5
    In This Topic

    BarCode for WPF

    Bug Fix

    • Fixed the issue where EncodingException.Message always returns "Invalid barcode data" after receiving an exception in encoding the barcode.

    DataGrid for WPF

    Breaking Changes

    • Removed obsolete C1DataGridScrollMode enumeration and DataGridColumnLoadingFilter event.
    • Renamed GetPageCompletedArgs class to GetPageCompletedEventArgs class.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where all data are rendered incorrectly while using C1FullTextSearchBehavior with DataGridTemplateColumns.
    • Fixed the issue where column is still shown and adjacent column name disappears while setting C1DataGrid.Columns[x].Visibility = Visibility.Hidden.
    • Fixed the issue where the last group with child rows is not deleted while selecting the grouped rows by mouse action from the last group row to the 1st group row and pressing "Delete" key.
    • Fixed the issue where current selection is lost in DataGrid while sorting, column dragging and filtering.
    • Fixed the issue where BorderThickness of ScrollBar style is not applied in C1DataGrid.

    Excel for WPF

    Bug Fix

    • Fixed the issue where loading and saving the .xls and .xlsx file containing border style in C1Excel throws an error.
    • Fixed the issue where the background color of some fields change when the report is exported to an Excel file with .xls format.
    • Fixed the issue where comments in a cell in an excel file are not shown properly while loading and saving the same in C1Excel.
    • Fixed the issue where loading a .xlsx format excel file containing profit-and-loss calculation in C1Excel throws System.Argument exception.
    • Fixed the issue where #VALUE! is shown in the cell with .xls excel file after loading and saving an excel file which has '=SUM((B1,B2))' formula with C1Excel.

    FlexChart for WPF


    • First release of Sunburst Chart.

    Bug Fix

    • [FlexPie] Fixed the issue where C1FlexPie is not updated on changing the corresponding value.

    FlexGrid for WPF

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where sorting in auto generated columns gets disabled if column data type does not implement IComparable interface.
    • [FlexGridFilter] Fixed the issue where ColumnFilterEditor of numeric column does not sort items correctly.
    • [FlexGridFilter] Fixed the issue where FilterDropDown opens even after focus is lost from that box when FlexSheet containing window is called from another window.

    GanttView for WPF

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where sorting the tasks at design time throws an exception.
    • Fixed the issue where the sign of percent complete (%) is lost in GridView.
    • Fixed the issue where context menu item "Task Information" remains active in ReadOnly mode after dragging a task bar.
    • Fixed the issue where the default focus is not shown on the last index of filter item in "Filters" listbox of "More Filters" dialog.
    • Fixed the issue where hiding all the three tiers at design time and unhiding at run time throws an exception.
    • Fixed the issue where setting the "Start" time of Automatic task in GanttView throws an exception.
    • Fixed the issue where a new task can not be added by clicking the "Add Task" menu button/context menu.
    • Fixed the issue where the task bar is not shown on dragging a long task bar to short one.
    • Fixed the issue where the progress line is not moving for auto task.
    • Fixed the issue where the Manual TaskBar disappears on setting the ScheduleFrom property to "ProjectFinishDate" and dragging at runtime.
    • Fixed the issue where C1GanttView shows dialogs with extra margin and spaces.
    • Fixed the issue where advanced filter dialog, CombinationOperator(AND/OR) value is shown as FilterValue for the specific FilterRow while clicking "Value (s)" new filterRow.
    • Fixed the issue where "Test" dropdown items are lost on reopening "AdvancedFilter" given without "Test" and "Values".
    • Fixed the issue where "Set working times" and "Range of Recurrence" groupbox items are "Enable" when there is no exception in the "Exceptions" listbox.
    • Fixed the issue where context menu items appear active and user can interact some functions via them even in ReadOnly mode.
    • Fixed the issue where hiding all the three tiers in timescale throws System.NullReferenceException is thrown.
    • Fixed the issue where hiding the middle tier and changing the unit in the bottom tier throws System.ArgumentException in PresentationFramework.
    • Fixed the issue where deleting CombinationOperator (And/Or) and opening the FieldName dropdown in gantt view throws NullReferenceException.
    • Fixed the issue where changing the PercentComplete value in the GridView throws System.InvalidOperationException.
    • Fixed the issue where length of the task bar could not be increased or reduced by dragging.
    • Fixed the issue where parent dialogs are closed on pressing Escape key while dropdown/combobox or child dialog are opening.
    • Fixed the issue where PopUp dialog box startup position of C1GanttView is not at the center of the MainWindow.
    • Fixed the issue where height of the bottom tier stretches out and fills the chart view completely when increasing the row height of column header in the grid view.
    • Fixed the issue where setting the working times in Exceptions tab of the Change Work Time dialog throws System.NullReferenceException in C1GanttView.
    • Fixed the issue where clicking value in Predecessors column at run time and setting of ScheduleFrom="ProjectFinishDate" throws an exception.
    • Fixed the issue where ConstraintType and ConstraintDate can be set for ManualTasks and shown in the GridView.
    • Fixed the issue where TargetInvocation exception is thrown at runtime while setting the ChartStartDate/ChartFinishDate in GanttView.
    • Fixed the issue where System.NullReferenceException is thrown in C1.WPF.GanttView.4 dll when calling gv.ScrollToTask() method after InitializeComponent().
    • Fixed the issue where filtering does not work when the filter is applied on task by "Percent Complete" field.
    • Fixed the issue where TaskMode can't be filtered by Advanced Filter in GanttView.
    • Fixed the issue where the bottom tier appears as a blank row on setting the MinWidth of the bottom tier to 8 or less.

    PDF for WPF


    • Added support for PDF/A compliance for PDF annotations.
    • Improved the support for PDF Acroforms in C1PDF.

    Bug Fix

    • Added PdfAcroform sample (demo sample for Acroform fields) in C# and Visual Basic.

    RichTextBox Toolbar for WPF


    • Added support for resizing tables by dragging.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where the font size of a copy and pasted character is displayed incorrectly.
    • Fixed the issue where the caret position is incorrect in a particular character in 'Yu Gothic UI' font family.
    • Fixed the issue where the C1RichTextBox loses color and table formatting while copying content.
    • Fixed the issue where the focus can not be placed outside the table and no more text can be entered in the C1RichTextBox after pasting the table from MS Word.

    Scheduler for WPF


    • Added new C1SchedulerSettings.ShowReminderDialog property that determines whether the control should display embedded reminder dialog when reminder is fired. The default value of this property is true.


    • Fixed the issue where newly created appointments are not shown clearly if C1Scheduler.ViewType is set to TimeLine view at design time.

    Themes for WPF


    • Fixed the issue where the content menu icon disappears when hovering the "BureauBlack" theme.

    Word for WPF

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where an the text alignment of the original document is not retained in a new document.
    • Fixed the issue where the font size of MS word file is not retained on loading and saving in C1WordDocument.
    • Fixed the issue where backfilling color changes in the output .rtf file and not in .docx file on loading and saving the MS Word document in C1Word.
    • Fixed the issue where System.FormatException is thrown when loading .docx file containing bookmark and saving the same in another document.
    • Fixed the issue where PageBreak from MS word has no effect in C1WordDocument on loading MS word file and saving it in C1Word.
    • Fixed the issue where the position of footer text are different in RTF and Docx files.
    • Fixed the issue where the text behind the tab character "\t" disappears in output RTF file.
    • Fixed the issue where background filling color of the main section in the C1WordDocument is not applied in the output RTF and DOCX files.
    • Fixed the issue where WidthPercent of table row is not applied in word document with Docx format.
    • Fixed the issue where the font color of "RTF Field" is not applied in the exported Docx and RTF files.

    Other Bug Fixes

    Bug Fixes

    • [ComboBox] Fixed the issue where 'SelectedIndex' is always shown as 0 after editing and selecting the text in C1ComboBox.
    • [ComboBox] Fixed the issue where the match item is not selected while pasting the text by key in TextEditor.
    • [Themes] Fixed the issue where the context menu items are displayed with white foreground on applying C1ThemeCosmopolitanDark theme.
    • [Themes] Fixed the issue where the ListViewItems become transparent on selection when C1ThemeCosmopolitanDark theme is applied.
    • [TreeView] Fixed the issue where applied MouseOverBrush color remain on the parent nodes of the treeview.