In This Topic
DataGrid for WPF and Silverlight
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where text in the group row hides while scrolling the C1DataGrid horizontally.
- Fixed the issue where alternatingRows are disorder after change rows Visibility.
DockControl for WPF and Silverlight
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where last C1DockTabItem disappears when it is dragged out and dropped on the inner picker in the original C1DockControl.
Excel for WPF and Silverlight
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where the format changes after load and save.
- Fixed the issue where specified background pattern for the Conditional Formatted cells are not saved.
- Fixed the issue where position of Custom Header (Image) is moved from page header to sheet when saving an excel file using C1Excel.
- Fixed the issue where GetRangeToRepeat method cannot get index of print title in the loaded .xlsx file.
- Fixed the issue where line color of Header and Footer image does not retain in output excel file when saving as OpenXML format.
- Fixed the issue where error occurs on code to generate C1XLBook object on setting neutral culture to CurrentUICulture property.
- Fixed the issue where NullReferenceException is thrown when loading an excel file which contains macro with .xlsx/.xls format.
- Added support of OpenXMLMacro format (Open XML format with support VBA projects, *.xlsm extension).
FlexGrid for WPF and Silverlight
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where all rows are not printed while setting the MaxRowHeight property of C1FlexGrid.
FlexSheet for WPF
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where ArgumentOutOfRange Exception occurs on clicking Copy/Cut command in ContextMenu when C1FlexSheet has no rows or no columns.
- Fixed the issue where nullReferenceException occurs when exporting FlexSheet with no data to PDF format.
- Fixed the issue where AboutBox link was not there in context menu of C1FormulaBar.
- Fixed the issue where resizing the inserted image is not retained in printed PDF file.
ListViewer for WPF and Silverlight
Breaking Changes
- The default value of second parameter, subOffset, of BringIndexIntoView method, is set to null. The same applies in its' derived controls C1ListBox/C1TileListBox.
Olap for WPF and Silverlight
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where collapsed group columns expand on clicking any column header.
PDFViewer for WPF and Silverlight
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where NullReferenceException is thrown while loading a pdf document in C1PdfViewer.
- Fixed the issue where more than one page is moved on clicking the Next Page button of C1PdfViewer Toolbar.
- Fixed the issue where the watermark image of pdf document is replaced with red cross mark while loading in C1PdfViewer.
RichTextBox for WPF and Silverlight
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where NullReferenceException occurs when navigating "Formatting" page of RichTextBox on Windows 10.
Scheduler for WPF and Silverlight
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where InvalidCast Exception occurs when trying to open Appointment Dialog in WPF Browser Application.
- Added C1Scheduler.SmallVisualIntervalScale property.
If this property value is set, defines TimeSpan of each VisualInterval in the VisualIntervals collection for views with intervals shorter than 1 day (Day, WorkWeek, Week and TimeLine). This is a dependency property.
The default value is TimeSpan.Zero which means that only C1Scheduler.VisualIntervalScale property has effect.
TabControl for WPF and Silverlight
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where HeaderTemplate doesn't work.