Class | Description | |
AdvancedEditor | Advanced editor which contains a button and the capability of hosting other common PropertyGrid editors contained in a child window. | |
BaseAdvancedEditor<P,E> | The advanced editor show a three-dot icon and allows showing a separate editor in a window. | |
BaseEditor<P,C> | Base class for editors. | |
BaseFontEditor<T> | Editor of font-weight properties. | |
BoolEditor | Editor of boolean properties displaying a checkbox. | |
BrushEditor | Editor for System.Windows.Media.Brush properties. | |
C1PropertyGrid | The property-grid provides a user interface for browsing the properties of an object. | |
CollectionEditor | Editor for collection of items. | |
CollectionEditorControl | Default editor used by C1PropertyGrid to edit lists of values. | |
CollectionEditorValueConverter | Converts a value into a specified type. | |
ColorPaletteEditor | Default editor used by C1PropertyGrid to edit ColorPalette values. | |
CommitChangesEventsArgs | Provides event data for commit changes events. | |
CursorEditor | Editor of font-family properties. | |
DateEditor | Editor for date properties. | |
DateTimeEditor | Editor for date and time properties. | |
EmptyGridBehavior | Displays a visual element, typically a label with a message, when there are no properties in the grid. | |
EnumEditor | Editor for System.Enum properties. | |
FontFamilyEditor | Editor of font-family properties. | |
FontStretchEditor | Editor of font-stretch properties. | |
FontStyleEditor | Editor of font-style properties. | |
FontWeightEditor | Editor of font-weight properties. | |
GridLengthEditor | Editor of the Height property. | |
GridLengthEditorControl | Editor of System.Windows.GridLength values. | |
HeightEditor | Editor of the Height property. | |
ImageSourceEditor | Editor for System.Windows.Media.ImageSource properties | |
MemberAttribute | Used to provide configuration information for the C1PropertyGrid. | |
MethodAttribute | Used to provide configuration information for the C1PropertyGrid. | |
MethodAttributeCollection | Collection of MethodAttribute. | |
NumericEditor | Editor for numeric properties. | |
ObjectEditor | Editor for general purpose use, which allows displaying the object in the property in a separate C1PropertyGrid as well as converting from string. | |
PasswordEditor | Editor of the string properties using a password box. | |
PropertyAttribute | Used to provide configuration information for the C1PropertyGrid. | |
PropertyGridAttributeAutoGeneratingEventArgs | Event data for auto-generation of property attributes. | |
PropertyGridAttributeCollection | Collection of PropertyAttribute. | |
PropertyGridCategoryCell | Visual representation of the content of a category cell. | |
PropertyGridCellView | Cell of C1PropertyGrid. | |
PropertyGridEditorsCollection | Collection of IPropertyGridEditor. | |
PropertyGridGroupsCollection | Collection of PropertyGroup. | |
PropertyGridObjectCollection | Collection of objects bound to the grid. | |
PropertyGroup | Group of PropertyAttribute which has same PropertyInfo | |
ResetButton | Button used to reset the value of a property group. | |
StringEditor | Editor of string properties. | |
StringEditor<T> | Editor of string properties. | |
TimeEditor | Editor for time properties. | |
UriEditor | Editor for System.Uri properties. | |
WidthEditor | Editor of the Width property. |