ComponentOne PdfViewer for WPF and Silverlight
C1.WPF.PdfViewer.4.6.2 Assembly / CSJ2K.j2k.codestream.writer Namespace / TagTreeEncoder Class / TagTreeEncoder Constructor / TagTreeEncoder Constructor(Int32,Int32)
The number of elements along the horizontal direction.
The number of elements along the vertical direction.

In This Topic
    TagTreeEncoder Constructor(Int32,Int32)
    In This Topic
    Creates a tag tree encoder with 'w' elements along the horizontal dimension and 'h' elements along the vertical direction. The total number of elements is thus 'vdim' x 'hdim'.

    The values of all elements are initialized to Integer.MAX_VALUE.

    Public Function New( _
       ByVal h As Integer, _
       ByVal w As Integer _
    public TagTreeEncoder( 
       int h,
       int w


    The number of elements along the horizontal direction.
    The number of elements along the vertical direction.
    See Also