ComponentOne Maps for WPF and Silverlight
C1Maps Control Basics / Items Layering
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    Items Layering
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    C1MapItemsLayer is the easiest way to display items over a map. It inherits from ItemsControl so it supports directly adding UIElement objects or generic data objects with a DataTemplate that can convert them into visual items. Elements added to a C1MapItemsLayer are positioned using the C1MapCanvas.LongLat attached property. Let's look at a sample:

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                <Ellipse Width="20" Height="20" Fill="Red"
                         c1:C1MapCanvas.LongLat="-79.9247, 40.4587"
                         c1:C1MapCanvas.Pinpoint="10, 10"/>

    This creates a C1Maps control in XAML and adds a C1MapItemsLayer to its Layers collection. Any number of layers can be added to the Layers collection, they will be displayed one on top of the other.

    We add one item to the items layer, an ellipse positioned at latitude/longitude (40.4587, -79.9247). Note that these numbers are in reverse order in XAML. This is because LongLat values are represented by a Point structure with its X value corresponding to longitude and its Y value corresponding to latitude (this matches the way maps and X/Y axis are usually oriented).

    In the previous example,  we can also see the C1MapCanvas.Pinpoint attached property in use. This property configures which point inside the element will match the geographic coordinates set in the LongLat property. In the example case, Pinpoint is set to (10, 10) so that the ellipse will be centered on the LongLat position.

    Let's look at a second example. This time we will create a C1Maps control in code, and populate it with data. We will use the following class:

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    public class Place
         public string Name { get; set; }
         public Point LongLat { get; set; }
    var map = new C1Maps();
     var itemsLayer = new C1MapItemsLayer
         ItemsSource = new[]
             new Place {
                 Name = "ComponentOne",
                         LongLat = new Point(-79.92476,  40.45873), },
             new Place {
                 Name = "Greenwich Park",
                         LongLat = new Point(  0.00057,  51.47617), },
         ItemTemplate = itemTemplate


    We populate the ItemsSource with instances of the Place class, and we set ItemTemplate to the following DataTemplate defined in the Page's resources:

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    <DataTemplate x:Key="itemTemplate">
         <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"
                    c1:C1MapCanvas.LongLat="{Binding LongLat}"
                    c1:C1MapCanvas.Pinpoint="5, 5">
             <Ellipse Fill="Red" Width="10" Height="10" />
             <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" Foreground="White" />

    This DataTemplate binds C1MapCanvas.LongLat to the LongLat defined in the items and displays the place's Name in a TextBlock.

    Using ItemTemplate and ItemsSource it's easy to load data from a database. You only have to setup a Web service returning a collection of data objects, set the collection as ItemsSource, and create a DataTemplate binding the appropriate values.


    See Also