FlexSheet for WPF | ComponentOne
Working with C1FlexSheet / Importing and Exporting / Importing FlexSheet
In This Topic
    Importing FlexSheet
    In This Topic

    C1FlexSheet allows import of Excel files (.xls, .xlsx) and text file (.txt). This functionality is attained by using ImportFileFormat enum. The following code sample illustrates importing Excel files in C1FlexSheet:

    Dim dlg = New Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog()
    dlg.Filter = "Excel 97-2003 Workbook (*.xls)|*.xls|" +
                 "Excel Workbook (*.xlsx)|*.xlsx" +
                 "Text File (*.txt)|*.txt|"
    If dlg.ShowDialog().Value Then
            Using s = dlg.OpenFile()
                Dim ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(dlg.SafeFileName).ToLower()
                Select Case ext
                    Case ".txt"
                        flex.Load(s, ImportFileFormat.TXT)
                        Exit Select
                    Case ".xlsx"
                        flex.Load(s, ImportFileFormat.XLSX)
                        ' ImportFileFormat uses namespace FlexGrid
                        Exit Select
                    Case ".xls"
                        flex.Load(s, ImportFileFormat.XLS)
                        Exit Select
                End Select
            End Using
        Catch x As Exception
            Dim msg = "Error opening file: " & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf + x.Message
            MessageBox.Show(msg, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK)
        End Try
    End If
    var dlg = new Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog();
    dlg.Filter = "Excel 97-2003 Workbook (*.xls)|*.xls|"
        + "Excel Workbook (*.xlsx)|*.xlsx" +
        "Text File (*.txt)|*.txt|";
    if (dlg.ShowDialog().Value)
            using (var s = dlg.OpenFile())
                var ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(dlg.SafeFileName).ToLower();
                switch (ext)
                    case ".txt":
                        flex.Load(s, ImportFileFormat.TXT);
                    case ".xlsx":
                        // ImportFileFormat uses namespace FlexGrid
                        flex.Load(s, ImportFileFormat.XLSX);
                    case ".xls":
                        flex.Load(s, ImportFileFormat.XLS);
        catch (Exception x)
            var msg = "Error opening file: \r\n\r\n" + x.Message;
            MessageBox.Show(msg, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK);