GridCellFactory Class Properties
In This Topic
For a list of all members of this type, see GridCellFactory members.
Public Properties
| Name | Description |
| AllowCustomCells | When set to true the methods GetCellKind(GridCellType,GridCellRange), CreateCell(GridCellType,GridCellRange,Object), BindCell(GridCellType,GridCellRange,GridCellView) and UnbindCell(GridCellType,GridCellRange,GridCellView) will be called allowing customized cells, inheriting from GridCellView. |
| AllowCustomToggleButton | Gets or sets whether the toggle-button for group rows are handled by this cell-factory. |
| CellsColumnsCount | Gets the number of columns belonging to the cells area. |
| CellsRowsCount | Gets the number of rows belonging to the cells area. |
| ColumnFooterRowsCount | Gets the number of rows belonging to the column footers area. |
| ColumnHeaderRowsCount | Gets the number of rows belonging to the column headers area. |
| ColumnsCount | Overridden. Gets the total number of columns. |
| DefaultColumn | Gets the default column dimensions. (Inherited from C1.WPF.Grid.GridControlAdapter) |
| DefaultRow | Gets the default row dimensions. (Inherited from C1.WPF.Grid.GridControlAdapter) |
| Grid | Gets the associated grid. |
| IsCellSelection | Overridden. Gets whether the selection is composed by cells. |
| IsColumnSelection | Overridden. Gets whether the selection is composed by all the cells of the columns. |
| IsMouseOverEnabled | Overridden. Gets whether the mouse-over state is reflected in the cells. |
| IsMultipleSelection | Overridden. Gets whether the selection can be a range of cells. |
| IsMultiRangeSelection | Overridden. Gets whether the selection can be composed by non-contiguous ranges of cells. |
| IsRowSelection | Overridden. Gets whether the selection is composed by all the cells of the rows. |
| IsSelectionEnabled | Overridden. Gets whether there is any selection possible in the grid. |
| NavigableRange | Overridden. |
| RowHeaderColumnsCount | Gets the number of columns belonging to the row headers area. |
| RowsCount | Overridden. Gets the total number of rows. |
See Also