ComponentOne Expression Editor for WPF
C1.WPF.ExpressionEditor.4.5.2 Assembly / C1.ExpressionEditor.Engine Namespace / IEngine Interface
Properties Methods

In This Topic
    IEngine Interface Members
    In This Topic

    The following tables list the members exposed by IEngine.

    Public Properties
     PropertyGets or sets the CultureInfo to use when parsing numbers and dates.  
     PropertyGets or sets the object used as the data source.  
     PropertyGets or sets expression string.  
     PropertyGets a value that indicates whether the expression is valid.  
     PropertyGets or sets the object used as the context for evaluating an expression.  
    Public Methods
     MethodAdded a alias for a field from DataSource.  
     MethodGets a result of expression.  
     MethodGets a list of ErrorInfo objects.  
     MethodGets a result of expression. A return value indicates whether the evaluate succeeded or failed.  
    See Also