Calendar for WPF | ComponentOne
Inheritance Hierarchy
In This Topic
    C1.WPF.Calendar Namespace
    In This Topic
    ClassRepresents a Binding converter that converts a System.Boolean to the corresponding System.Windows.Visibility value. If ConverterParameter is not null, returns inverted value.
    ClassRepresents a month calendar with the ability to interactively navigate through months and select a specific System.DateTime value or a range of dates.
    ClassAn instance of this class is used in the C1Calendar's template visual tree to define a place where a panel with month calendars will appear.
    ClassThe C1CalendarResources keeps the set of resources used by the C1MultiMonthCalendar derived controls. Static fields of this class return default C1MultiMonthCalendar's themes.
    ClassRepresents a multi month calendar with an ability to interactively navigate through months and select a specific System.DateTime value or its components.
    ClassAdapter that allows advanced customization of the control.
    ClassContains info about day of week slots.
    ClassEvent data for C1Calendar.DayOfWeekSlotLoading event.
    ClassContains info about day slots.
    ClassEvent data for C1Calendar.DaySlotLoading event.
    ClassPanel that displays day of the week.
    ClassPanel that displays day slots.
    ClassProvides event data for C1Calendar.HeaderLoading event.
    ClassContains info about header slots.
    ClassPanel that displays headers slots.
    ClassProvides auxiliary properties providing calendar specific information.
    ClassBase event data for slot loading events.
    ClassContains info about month slots.
    ClassEvent information for C1Calendar.MonthSlotLoading event.
    ClassPanel that displays months.
    ClassEvent information for C1Calendar.SelectionChanged event.
    ClassEvent data for C1Calendar.SelectionChanging event.
    ClassContains info about slots.
    ClassBase event data for slot loading events.
    ClassSlot visual element
    ClassAbstract panel used to render days, month years and days of weeks as a uniform grid which also allows rendering slots out of view.
    ClassSlot presenter that is only able to show text
    ClassSettings of the animation performed when the current view changes.
    ClassContains info about year slots.
    ClassEvent information for C1Calendar.YearSlotLoading event.
    ClassPanel that shows years divided by decades.
    ClassThe DateList class represents the observable collection of System.DateTime values. The collection contains unique values only. Every item in collection is a System.DateTime value containing the date part only.
    ClassThe DeferrableObservableCollection<T> represents an ObservableCollection supported deferring events during the massive collection changes.
    ClassAn instance of this class is used to represent the single month.
    ClassThe ObservableCollectionStringConverter provides a type converter to convert ObservableCollection objects to and from various other representations.
    ClassThe ReentrantObservableCollection<T> class represents the same interface and functionality as the Collection with one exception: it allows collection changing in event handlers for the CollectionChanged event.
    ClassThe ThemeResources class is a base abstract class for ThemeResources classes.
    EnumerationDefines constants that specify calendar mouse-over mode.
    EnumerationSpecifies the kind of calendar displayed
    EnumerationSpecifies constants that define the different views.
    EnumerationRepresent the different kinds of animations when changing C1Calendar.ViewMode.
    EnumerationDetermines the default theme for the C1Scheduler control.
    See Also