ComponentOne Bitmap for WPF
C1.WPF.DX.4.6.2 Assembly / C1.Util.DX.DirectWrite Namespace / FontFace Class / GetGlyphRunOutline Method
The logical size of the font in DIP units. A DIP ("device-independent pixel") equals 1/96 inch.
An array of glyph indices. The glyphs are in logical order and the advance direction depends on the isRightToLeft parameter. The array must be allocated and be able to contain the number of elements specified by glyphCount.
An optional array of glyph advances in DIPs. The advance of a glyph is the amount to advance the position (in the direction of the baseline) after drawing the glyph. glyphAdvances contains the number of elements specified by glyphIndices.Length.
An optional array of glyph offsets, each of which specifies the offset along the baseline and offset perpendicular to the baseline of a glyph relative to the current pen position. glyphOffsets contains the number of elements specified by glyphIndices.Length.
If TRUE, the ascender of the glyph runs alongside the baseline. If FALSE, the glyph ascender runs perpendicular to the baseline. For example, an English alphabet on a vertical baseline would have isSideways set to FALSE. A client can render a vertical run by setting isSideways to TRUE and rotating the resulting geometry 90 degrees to the right using a transform. The isSideways and isRightToLeft parameters cannot both be true.
The visual order of the glyphs. If this parameter is FALSE, then glyph advances are from left to right. If TRUE, the advance direction is right to left. By default, the advance direction is left to right.
A reference to the interface that is called back to perform outline drawing operations.

In This Topic
    GetGlyphRunOutline Method
    In This Topic
    Computes the outline of a run of glyphs by calling back to the outline sink interface.
    Public Sub GetGlyphRunOutline( _
       ByVal emSize As Single, _
       ByVal glyphIndices() As Short, _
       ByVal glyphAdvances() As Single, _
       ByVal glyphOffsets() As GlyphOffset, _
       ByVal isSideways As Boolean, _
       ByVal isRightToLeft As Boolean, _
       ByVal geometrySink As SimplifiedGeometrySink _
    public void GetGlyphRunOutline( 
       float emSize,
       short[] glyphIndices,
       float[] glyphAdvances,
       GlyphOffset[] glyphOffsets,
       bool isSideways,
       bool isRightToLeft,
       SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink


    The logical size of the font in DIP units. A DIP ("device-independent pixel") equals 1/96 inch.
    An array of glyph indices. The glyphs are in logical order and the advance direction depends on the isRightToLeft parameter. The array must be allocated and be able to contain the number of elements specified by glyphCount.
    An optional array of glyph advances in DIPs. The advance of a glyph is the amount to advance the position (in the direction of the baseline) after drawing the glyph. glyphAdvances contains the number of elements specified by glyphIndices.Length.
    An optional array of glyph offsets, each of which specifies the offset along the baseline and offset perpendicular to the baseline of a glyph relative to the current pen position. glyphOffsets contains the number of elements specified by glyphIndices.Length.
    If TRUE, the ascender of the glyph runs alongside the baseline. If FALSE, the glyph ascender runs perpendicular to the baseline. For example, an English alphabet on a vertical baseline would have isSideways set to FALSE. A client can render a vertical run by setting isSideways to TRUE and rotating the resulting geometry 90 degrees to the right using a transform. The isSideways and isRightToLeft parameters cannot both be true.
    The visual order of the glyphs. If this parameter is FALSE, then glyph advances are from left to right. If TRUE, the advance direction is right to left. By default, the advance direction is left to right.
    A reference to the interface that is called back to perform outline drawing operations.

    Return Value

    If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.
    See Also