ComponentOne Bitmap for WPF
C1.WPF.DX.4.6.2 Assembly / C1.Util.DX.Direct2D Namespace / RadialGradientBrush Class / Create Method / Create(RenderTarget,RadialGradientBrushProperties,BrushProperties,GradientStopCollection) Method
an instance of RenderTarget
The center, gradient origin offset, and x-radius and y-radius of the brush's gradient.
The transform and base opacity of the new brush, or NULL. If this value is NULL, the brush defaults to a base opacity of 1.0f and the identity matrix as its transformation.
A collection of GradientStop structures that describe the colors in the brush's gradient and their locations along the gradient.

In This Topic
    Create(RenderTarget,RadialGradientBrushProperties,BrushProperties,GradientStopCollection) Method
    In This Topic
    Creates an RadialGradientBrush that contains the specified gradient stops and has the specified transform and base opacity.


    an instance of RenderTarget
    The center, gradient origin offset, and x-radius and y-radius of the brush's gradient.
    The transform and base opacity of the new brush, or NULL. If this value is NULL, the brush defaults to a base opacity of 1.0f and the identity matrix as its transformation.
    A collection of GradientStop structures that describe the colors in the brush's gradient and their locations along the gradient.
    See Also