ComponentOne Bitmap for WPF
C1.WPF.DX.4.6.2 Assembly / C1.Util.DX Namespace / ColorF Structure / Lerp Method
Start color.
End color.
Value between 0 and 1 indicating the weight of end.

In This Topic
    Lerp Method (ColorF)
    In This Topic
    Performs a linear interpolation between two colors.
    Public Shared Function Lerp( _
       ByVal start As ColorF, _
       ByVal end As ColorF, _
       ByVal amount As Single _
    ) As ColorF
    public static ColorF Lerp( 
       ColorF start,
       ColorF end,
       float amount


    Start color.
    End color.
    Value between 0 and 1 indicating the weight of end.

    Return Value

    The linear interpolation of the two colors.
    This method performs the linear interpolation based on the following formula. start + (end - start) * amount Passing amount a value of 0 will cause start to be returned; a value of 1 will cause end to be returned.
    See Also