| Name | Description |
| CopyPalette | HRESULT IWICBitmapSource::CopyPalette([In, Optional] IWICPalette* pIPalette) (Inherited from C1.Util.DX.WIC.BitmapSource) |
| CopyPixels | Overloaded. Instructs the object to produce pixels. (Inherited from C1.Util.DX.WIC.BitmapSource) |
| Dispose | Overloaded. Clean up any resources being used. (Inherited from C1.Util.DX.ComObject) |
| GetColorContexts | Overloaded. HRESULT IWICBitmapFrameDecode::GetColorContexts([In] unsigned int cCount,[InOut, Buffer, Optional] IWICColorContext** ppIColorContexts,[Out] unsigned int* pcActualCount) (Inherited from C1.Util.DX.WIC.BitmapFrameDecode) |
| GetContrast | HRESULT IWICDevelopRaw::GetContrast([Out] double* pContrast) |
| GetCurrentParameterSet | HRESULT IWICDevelopRaw::GetCurrentParameterSet([Out] IPropertyBag2** ppCurrentParameterSet) |
| GetExposureCompensation | HRESULT IWICDevelopRaw::GetExposureCompensation([Out] double* pEV) |
| GetGamma | HRESULT IWICDevelopRaw::GetGamma([Out] double* pGamma) |
| GetKelvinRangeInfo | HRESULT IWICDevelopRaw::GetKelvinRangeInfo([Out] unsigned int* pMinKelvinTemp,[Out] unsigned int* pMaxKelvinTemp,[Out] unsigned int* pKelvinTempStepValue) |
| GetMetadataQueryReader | HRESULT IWICBitmapFrameDecode::GetMetadataQueryReader([Out] IWICMetadataQueryReader** ppIMetadataQueryReader) (Inherited from C1.Util.DX.WIC.BitmapFrameDecode) |
| GetNamedWhitePoint | HRESULT IWICDevelopRaw::GetNamedWhitePoint([Out] WICNamedWhitePoint* pWhitePoint) |
| GetNoiseReduction | HRESULT IWICDevelopRaw::GetNoiseReduction([Out] double* pNoiseReduction) |
| GetPixelFormat | HRESULT IWICBitmapSource::GetPixelFormat([Out] GUID* pPixelFormat) (Inherited from C1.Util.DX.WIC.BitmapSource) |
| GetRenderMode | HRESULT IWICDevelopRaw::GetRenderMode([Out] WICRawRenderMode* pRenderMode) |
| GetResolution | HRESULT IWICBitmapSource::GetResolution([Out] double* pDpiX,[Out] double* pDpiY) (Inherited from C1.Util.DX.WIC.BitmapSource) |
| GetRotation | HRESULT IWICDevelopRaw::GetRotation([Out] double* pRotation) |
| GetSaturation | HRESULT IWICDevelopRaw::GetSaturation([Out] double* pSaturation) |
| GetSharpness | HRESULT IWICDevelopRaw::GetSharpness([Out] double* pSharpness) |
| GetSize | HRESULT IWICBitmapSource::GetSize([Out] unsigned int* puiWidth,[Out] unsigned int* puiHeight) (Inherited from C1.Util.DX.WIC.BitmapSource) |
| GetThumbnail | HRESULT IWICBitmapFrameDecode::GetThumbnail([Out] IWICBitmapSource** ppIThumbnail) (Inherited from C1.Util.DX.WIC.BitmapFrameDecode) |
| GetTint | HRESULT IWICDevelopRaw::GetTint([Out] double* pTint) |
| GetToneCurve | HRESULT IWICDevelopRaw::GetToneCurve([In] unsigned int cbToneCurveBufferSize,[Out, Buffer, Optional] WICRawToneCurve* pToneCurve,[InOut, Optional] unsigned int* pcbActualToneCurveBufferSize) |
| GetWhitePointKelvin | HRESULT IWICDevelopRaw::GetWhitePointKelvin([Out] unsigned int* pWhitePointKelvin) |
| GetWhitePointRGB | HRESULT IWICDevelopRaw::GetWhitePointRGB([Out] unsigned int* pRed,[Out] unsigned int* pGreen,[Out] unsigned int* pBlue) |
| LoadParameterSet | HRESULT IWICDevelopRaw::LoadParameterSet([In] WICRawParameterSet ParameterSet) |
| QueryInterface | Overloaded. Query this instance for a particular COM GUID/interface support. (Inherited from C1.Util.DX.ComObject) |
| QueryInterfaceOrNull | Overloaded. Query instance for a particular COM GUID/interface support. (Inherited from C1.Util.DX.ComObject) |
| QueryRawCapabilitiesInfo | HRESULT IWICDevelopRaw::QueryRawCapabilitiesInfo([In] WICRawCapabilitiesInfo* pInfo) |
| SetContrast | HRESULT IWICDevelopRaw::SetContrast([In] double Contrast) |
| SetDestinationColorContext | HRESULT IWICDevelopRaw::SetDestinationColorContext([In, Optional] IWICColorContext* pColorContext) |
| SetExposureCompensation | HRESULT IWICDevelopRaw::SetExposureCompensation([In] double ev) |
| SetGamma | HRESULT IWICDevelopRaw::SetGamma([In] double Gamma) |
| SetNamedWhitePoint | HRESULT IWICDevelopRaw::SetNamedWhitePoint([In] WICNamedWhitePoint WhitePoint) |
| SetNoiseReduction | HRESULT IWICDevelopRaw::SetNoiseReduction([In] double NoiseReduction) |
| SetNotificationCallback | HRESULT IWICDevelopRaw::SetNotificationCallback([In, Optional] IWICDevelopRawNotificationCallback* pCallback) |
| SetRenderMode | HRESULT IWICDevelopRaw::SetRenderMode([In] WICRawRenderMode RenderMode) |
| SetRotation | HRESULT IWICDevelopRaw::SetRotation([In] double Rotation) |
| SetSaturation | HRESULT IWICDevelopRaw::SetSaturation([In] double Saturation) |
| SetSharpness | HRESULT IWICDevelopRaw::SetSharpness([In] double Sharpness) |
| SetTint | HRESULT IWICDevelopRaw::SetTint([In] double Tint) |
| SetToneCurve | HRESULT IWICDevelopRaw::SetToneCurve([In] unsigned int cbToneCurveSize,[In, Buffer] const WICRawToneCurve* pToneCurve) |
| SetWhitePointKelvin | HRESULT IWICDevelopRaw::SetWhitePointKelvin([In] unsigned int WhitePointKelvin) |
| SetWhitePointRGB | HRESULT IWICDevelopRaw::SetWhitePointRGB([In] unsigned int Red,[In] unsigned int Green,[In] unsigned int Blue) |
| TryGetColorContexts | Overloaded. Get the ColorContext of the image (if any) (Inherited from C1.Util.DX.WIC.BitmapFrameDecode) |