This topic covers the DataSource used for the QuickStart topic, that is, the Dataprovider class.
internal class DataProvider { public static IEnumerable<Car> GetCarDataCollection(DataTable carTable) { Random rnd = new Random(); foreach (DataRow row in carTable.Rows) { yield return new Car { ID = row.Field<int>("ID"), Brand = row.Field<string>("Brand"), Model = row.Field<string>("Model"), HP = row.Field<Int16>("HP"), Liter = row.Field<double>("Liter"), Cyl = row.Field<Int16>("Cyl"), TransmissSpeedCount = row.Field<Int16>("TransmissSpeedCount").ToString(), TransmissAutomatic = row.Field<string>("TransmissAutomatic"), MPG_City = row.Field<Int16>("MPG_City"), MPG_Highway = row.Field<Int16>("MPG_Highway"), Category = row.Field<string>("Category"), Description = row.Field<string>("Description"), Hyperlink = row.Field<string>("Hyperlink"), Picture = row.Field<byte[]>("Picture"), Price = row.Field<double>("Price") }; } } public static DataTable GetCarTable() { DataTable dt = new DataTable("Cars"); var asm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); using (var s = asm.GetManifestResourceStream("")) { _ = dt.ReadXml(s); } return dt; } private static readonly Random s_rnd = new Random(); public static string[] Colors { get; } = new string[] { "Red", "Green", "Blue", "Black", "Silver", "Gold", "Gray" }; private static List<int> GetUniqueRandomIndexes(int count, int max, int min = 0) { var indexes = new List<int>(); if (count < max - min) { while (count > 0) { var index = s_rnd.Next(min, max); if (!indexes.Contains(index)) { indexes.Add(index); count--; } } } return indexes; } public static IEnumerable<Car> GetCars() { var carsTable = GetCarTable(); foreach (DataRow row in carsTable.Rows) { yield return new Car { Brand = row.Field<string>("Brand"), Category = row.Field<string>("Category"), Description = row.Field<string>("Description"), Liter = row.Field<double>("Liter"), Model = row.Field<string>("Model"), Picture = row.Field<byte[]>("Picture"), Price = row.Field<double>("Price"), TransmissAutomatic = row.Field<string>("TransmissAutomatic"), TransmissSpeedCount = row.Field<Int16>("TransmissSpeedCount").ToString(), ID = row.Field<int>("ID") }; } } } internal class TransmissAutomatic { public string DisplayValue { get; set; } public object Value { get; set; } }