Class | Description | |
RtfBookmark | The bookmark common object. | |
RtfBookmarkCollection | The bookmark collection object. | |
RtfBookmarkEnd | The bookmark end object. | |
RtfBookmarkStart | The bookmark start object. | |
RtfBorderObject | The common (base) Word/RTF border object (paragraph, cell, row ...). | |
RtfBreak | The common Word/RTF break object. | |
RtfCell | The Word/RTF table cell object. | |
RtfCellCollection | The collection of cells for the Word/RTF table. | |
RtfCharacterStyle | The Word/RTF character style object. | |
RtfCollection | The common collection object. | |
RtfColor | The Word/RTF color object. | |
RtfColorCollection | The Word/RTF colors table object. | |
RtfColumn | The Word/RTF section column object. | |
RtfColumnBreak | The column Word/RTF break object. | |
RtfColumnCollection | The Word/RTF colors table object. | |
RtfComplexField | Common (base) field class for automatic macro value Word/RTF fields. | |
RtfContent | The common content object. | |
RtfDateField | The date field class for Word/RTF fields. | |
RtfDiagonalObject | The common (base) Word/RTF diagonal object (paragraph, cell, row ...). | |
RtfDrawingCanvas | The Word/RTF drawing canvas. | |
RtfEmpty | The empty Word/RTF object. | |
RtfField | Common (base) class for Word/RTF fields. | |
RtfFileNameField | The file name class for Word/RTF fields. | |
RtfFilledObject | The common (base) Word/RTF filled object (paragraph, cell, row ...). | |
RtfFont | The Word/RTF font object. | |
RtfFontCollection | The Word/RTF fonts table object. | |
RtfFooter | The Word/RTF footer class. | |
RtfHeader | The Word/RTF header class. | |
RtfHeaderFooter | The common (base) header and footer class. | |
RtfHyperlink | The Word/RTF hyperlink field class. | |
RtfInnerContent | The inner document content object. | |
RtfLineBreak | Represents new line break into RtfSection or C1.C1Word.C1WordDocument. | |
RtfListLevel | The Word/RTF list level class. | |
RtfListOverride | The Word/RTF list override class. | |
RtfListStyle | The Word/RTF list style object. | |
RtfListTable | The Word/RTF list table class. | |
RtfListTemplate | The Word/RTF list template class. | |
RtfListText | The Word/RTF list text class. | |
RtfNumField | The automatic number Word/RTF fields. | |
RtfNumPagesField | Number of pages Word/RTF fields. | |
RtfNumWordsField | Numeric words class for Word/RTF fields. | |
RtfObject | The base Word/RTF object. | |
RtfPageBreak | The page Word/RTF break object. | |
RtfPageField | The page Word/RTF fields. | |
RtfPageRefField | The page reference Word/RTF fields. | |
RtfParagraph | The Word/RTF paragraph class. | |
RtfParagraphContent | The Word/RTF paragraph content. | |
RtfParagraphStyle | The Word/RTF paragraph style object. | |
RtfParamCollection | The collection of shape parameters for the Word/RTF shape. | |
RtfPicture | The Word/RTF picture. | |
RtfPictureShape | The Word/RTF picture shape object. | |
RtfRow | The Word/RTF table row. | |
RtfRowCollection | The collection of rows for the Word/RTF table. | |
RtfSdtContent | The Word/RTF SDT content. | |
RtfSection | The Word/RTF section. | |
RtfSequenceField | Numeric sequence class for Word/RTF fields. | |
RtfShape | The shape for the Word/RTF drawing canvas. | |
RtfShapeCollection | The collection of shapes for the Word/RTF drawing canvas. | |
RtfSimpleField | Common (base) field class for automatic macro value Word/RTF fields. | |
RtfString | The Word/RTF text string. | |
RtfStyle | The Word/RTF style object. | |
RtfStyleCollection | The Word/RTF style collection. | |
RtfTable | The Word/RTF table. | |
RtfTableObject | The common (base) Word/RTF table object (cell, row ...). | |
RtfTableStyle | The Word/RTF table style object. | |
RtfTimeField | The time field class for Word/RTF fields. | |
RtfTocField | Table of content (TOC) Word/RTF fields. |