Class | Description | |
AccentBorderCallout1Shape | Represents a accent border callout1 shape of the shape container. | |
AccentBorderCallout2Shape | Represents a accent border callout2 shape of the shape container. | |
AccentBorderCallout3Shape | Represents a accent border callout3 shape of the shape container. | |
AccentBorderCallout90Shape | Represents a accent border callout90 shape of the shape container. | |
AccentCallout1Shape | Represents a accent callout1 shape of the shape container. | |
AccentCallout2Shape | Represents a accent callout2 shape of the shape container. | |
AccentCallout3Shape | Represents a accent callout3 shape of the shape container. | |
AccentCallout90Shape | Represents a accent callout90 shape of the shape container. | |
ActionButtonBackPreviousShape | Represents a action button back previous shape of the shape container. | |
ActionButtonBeginningShape | Represents a action button beginning shape of the shape container. | |
ActionButtonBlankShape | Represents a action button blank shape of the shape container. | |
ActionButtonDocumentShape | Represents a action button document shape of the shape container. | |
ActionButtonEndShape | Represents a action button end shape of the shape container. | |
ActionButtonForwardNextShape | Represents a action button forward next shape of the shape container. | |
ActionButtonHelpShape | Represents a action button help shape of the shape container. | |
ActionButtonHomeShape | Represents a action button home shape of the shape container. | |
ActionButtonInformationShape | Represents a action button information shape of the shape container. | |
ActionButtonMovieShape | Represents a action button movie shape of the shape container. | |
ActionButtonReturnShape | Represents a action button return shape of the shape container. | |
ActionButtonSoundShape | Represents a action button sound shape of the shape container. | |
ArcShape | Represents a arc shape of the shape container. | |
ArrowShape | Represents a arrow shape of the shape container. | |
BalloonShape | Represents a balloon shape of the shape container. | |
BentArrowShape | Represents a bent arrow shape of the shape container. | |
BentConnector2Shape | Represents a bent connector2 shape of the shape container. | |
BentConnector3Shape | Represents a bent connector3 shape of the shape container. | |
BentConnector4Shape | Represents a bent connector4 shape of the shape container. | |
BentConnector5Shape | Represents a bent connector5 shape of the shape container. | |
BentUpArrowShape | Represents a bent up arrow shape of the shape container. | |
BevelShape | Represents a bevel shape of the shape container. | |
BlockArcShape | Represents a block arc shape of the shape container. | |
BorderCallout1Shape | Represents a border callout1 shape of the shape container. | |
BorderCallout2Shape | Represents a border callout2 shape of the shape container. | |
BorderCallout3Shape | Represents a border callout3 shape of the shape container. | |
BorderCallout90Shape | Represents a border callout90 shape of the shape container. | |
BracePairShape | Represents a brace pair shape of the shape container. | |
BracketPairShape | Represents a bracket pair shape of the shape container. | |
Callout1Shape | Represents a callout1 shape of the shape container. | |
Callout2Shape | Represents a callout2 shape of the shape container. | |
Callout3Shape | Represents a callout3 shape of the shape container. | |
Callout90Shape | Represents a callout90 shape of the shape container. | |
CanShape | Represents a can shape of the shape container. | |
ChevronShape | Represents a chevron shape of the shape container. | |
CircularArrowShape | Represents a circular arrow shape of the shape container. | |
CloudCalloutShape | Represents a cloud call-out shape of the shape container. | |
CubeShape | Represents a cube shape of the shape container. | |
CurvedConnector2Shape | Represents a curved connector2 shape of the shape container. | |
CurvedConnector3Shape | Represents a curved connector3 shape of the shape container. | |
CurvedConnector4Shape | Represents a curved connector4 shape of the shape container. | |
CurvedDownArrowShape | Represents a curved down arrow shape of the shape container. | |
CurvedLeftArrowShape | Represents a curved left arrow shape of the shape container. | |
CurvedRightArrowShape | Represents a curved right arrow shape of the shape container. | |
CurvedUpArrowShape | Represents a curved up arrow shape of the shape container. | |
DiamondShape | Represents a diamond shape of the shape container. | |
DonutShape | Represents a donut shape of the shape container. | |
DoubleWaveShape | Represents a double wave shape of the shape container. | |
DownArrowCalloutShape | Represents a down arrow call-out shape of the shape container. | |
DownArrowShape | Represents a down arrow shape of the shape container. | |
DrawingExtrusion | Represents a drawing extrusion object. | |
DrawingFill | Represents a drawing fill object. | |
DrawingShadow | Represents a drawing shadow object. | |
DrawingShape | Represents a drawing shape object. | |
EllipseRibbon2Shape | Represents a ellipse ribbon2 shape of the shape container. | |
EllipseRibbonShape | Represents a ellipse ribbon shape of the shape container. | |
EllipseShape | Represents a ellipse shape of the shape container. | |
FilledShape | Represents a drawing shape object with filled and text. | |
FlowChartAlternateProcessShape | Represents a flow chart alternate process shape of the shape container. | |
FlowChartCollateShape | Represents a flow chart collate shape of the shape container. | |
FlowChartConnectorShape | Represents a flow chart connector shape of the shape container. | |
FlowChartDecisionShape | Represents a flow chart decision shape of the shape container. | |
FlowChartDelayShape | Represents a flow chart delay shape of the shape container. | |
FlowChartDisplayShape | Represents a flow chart display shape of the shape container. | |
FlowChartDocumentShape | Represents a flow chart document shape of the shape container. | |
FlowChartExtractShape | Represents a flow chart extract shape of the shape container. | |
FlowChartInputOutputShape | Represents a flow chart input output shape of the shape container. | |
FlowChartInternalStorageShape | Represents a flow chart internal storage shape of the shape container. | |
FlowChartMagneticDiskShape | Represents a flow chart magnetic disk shape of the shape container. | |
FlowChartMagneticDrumShape | Represents a flow chart magnetic drum shape of the shape container. | |
FlowChartMagneticTapeShape | Represents a flow chart magnetic tape shape of the shape container. | |
FlowChartManualInputShape | Represents a flow chart manual input shape of the shape container. | |
FlowChartManualOperationShape | Represents a flow chart manual operation shape of the shape container. | |
FlowChartMergeShape | Represents a flow chart merge shape of the shape container. | |
FlowChartMultidocumentShape | Represents a flow chart multidocument shape of the shape container. | |
FlowChartOfflineStorageShape | Represents a flow chart offline storage shape of the shape container. | |
FlowChartOffpageConnectorShape | Represents a flow chart offpage connector shape of the shape container. | |
FlowChartOnlineStorageShape | Represents a flow chart online storage shape of the shape container. | |
FlowChartOrShape | Represents a flow chart or shape of the shape container. | |
FlowChartPredefinedProcessShape | Represents a flow chart predefined process shape of the shape container. | |
FlowChartPreparationShape | Represents a flow chart preparation shape of the shape container. | |
FlowChartProcessShape | Represents a flow chart process shape of the shape container. | |
FlowChartPunchedCardShape | Represents a flow chart punched card shape of the shape container. | |
FlowChartPunchedTapeShape | Represents a flow chart punched tape shape of the shape container. | |
FlowChartSortShape | Represents a flow chart sort shape of the shape container. | |
FlowChartSummingJunctionShape | Represents a flow chart summing junction shape of the shape container. | |
FlowChartTerminatorShape | Represents a flow chart terminator shape of the shape container. | |
FoldedCornerShape | Represents a folded corner shape of the shape container. | |
HeartShape | Represents a heart shape of the shape container. | |
HexagonShape | Represents a hexagon shape of the shape container. | |
HomePlateShape | Represents a home plate shape of the shape container. | |
HorizontalScrollShape | Represents a horizontal scroll shape of the shape container. | |
IrregularSeal1Shape | Represents a irregular seal1 shape of the shape container. | |
IrregularSeal2Shape | Represents a irregular seal2 shape of the shape container. | |
IsoscelesTriangleShape | Represents a isoceles triangle shape of the shape container. | |
LeftArrowCalloutShape | Represents a left arrow call-out shape of the shape container. | |
LeftArrowShape | Represents a left arrow shape of the shape container. | |
LeftBraceShape | Represents a left brace shape of the shape container. | |
LeftBracketShape | Represents a left bracket shape of the shape container. | |
LeftRightArrowCalloutShape | Represents a left right arrow call-out shape of the shape container. | |
LeftRightArrowShape | Represents a left right arrow shape of the shape container. | |
LeftRightUpArrowShape | Represents a left right up arrow shape of the shape container. | |
LeftUpArrowShape | Represents a left up arrow shape of the shape container. | |
LightningBoltShape | Represents a lightning bolt shape of the shape container. | |
LinedShape | Represents a line drawing shape object. | |
LineShape | Represents a line shape of the shape container. | |
MoonShape | Represents a moon shape of the shape container. | |
NoneShape | Represents a none (polyline) shape of the shape container. | |
NoSmokingShape | Represents a no smoking shape of the shape container. | |
NotchedCircularArrowShape | Represents a notched circular arrow shape of the shape container. | |
NotchedRightArrowShape | Represents a notched right arrow shape of the shape container. | |
OctagonShape | Represents a octagon shape of the shape container. | |
ParallelogramShape | Represents a parallelogram shape of the shape container. | |
PentagonShape | Represents a pentagon shape of the shape container. | |
PictureShape | Represents an Image embedded in a shape container. | |
PlaqueShape | Represents a plaque shape of the shape container. | |
PlusShape | Represents a plus shape of the shape container. | |
QuadArrowCalloutShape | Represents a quad arrow call-out shape of the shape container. | |
QuadArrowShape | Represents a quad arrow shape of the shape container. | |
RectangleShape | Represents a rectangle shape of the shape container. | |
Ribbon2Shape | Represents a ribbon2 shape of the shape container. | |
RibbonShape | Represents a ribbon shape of the shape container. | |
RightArrowCalloutShape | Represents a right arrow call-out shape of the shape container. | |
RightBraceShape | Represents a right brace shape of the shape container. | |
RightBracketShape | Represents a right bracket shape of the shape container. | |
RightTriangleShape | Represents a right triangle shape of the shape container. | |
RoundRectangleShape | Represents a round rectangle shape of the shape container. | |
Seal16Shape | Represents a seal16 shape of the shape container. | |
Seal24Shape | Represents a seal24 shape of the shape container. | |
Seal32Shape | Represents a seal32 shape of the shape container. | |
Seal4Shape | Represents a seal4 shape of the shape container. | |
Seal8Shape | Represents a seal8 shape of the shape container. | |
SealShape | Represents a seal shape of the shape container. | |
ShapeCollection | Represents a collection of DrawingShape objects on an IShapeContainer. | |
SmileyFaceShape | Represents a smiley face shape of the shape container. | |
StarShape | Represents a star shape of the shape container. | |
StraightConnector1Shape | Represents a straight connector1 shape of the shape container. | |
StripedRightArrowShape | Represents a striped right arrow shape of the shape container. | |
SunShape | Represents a sun shape of the shape container. | |
TextArchDownCurveShape | Represents a text arch down curve shape of the shape container. | |
TextArchDownPourShape | Represents a text arch down pour shape of the shape container. | |
TextArchUpCurveShape | Represents a text arch up curve shape of the shape container. | |
TextArchUpPourShape | Represents a text arch up pour shape of the shape container. | |
TextBoxShape | Represents an text embedded in a shape container. | |
TextButtonCurveShape | Represents a text button curve shape of the shape container. | |
TextCanDownShape | Represents a text can down shape of the shape container. | |
TextCanUpShape | Represents a text can up shape of the shape container. | |
TextCascadeDownShape | Represents a text cascade down shape of the shape container. | |
TextCascadeUpShape | Represents a text cascade up shape of the shape container. | |
TextChevronInvertedShape | Represents a text chevron inverted shape of the shape container. | |
TextChevronShape | Represents a text chevron shape of the shape container. | |
TextCircleCurveShape | Represents a text circle curve shape of the shape container. | |
TextCirclePourShape | Represents a text circle pour shape of the shape container. | |
TextCurveDownShape | Represents a text curve down shape of the shape container. | |
TextCurveShape | Represents a text curve shape of the shape container. | |
TextCurveUpShape | Represents a text curve up shape of the shape container. | |
TextDeflateBottomShape | Represents a text deflate bottom shape of the shape container. | |
TextDeflateInflateDeflateShape | Represents a text deflate inflate deflate shape of the shape container. | |
TextDeflateInflateShape | Represents a text deflate inflate shape of the shape container. | |
TextDeflateTopShape | Represents a text deflate top shape of the shape container. | |
TextFadeDownShape | Represents a text fade down shape of the shape container. | |
TextFadeLeftShape | Represents a text fade left shape of the shape container. | |
TextFadeRightShape | Represents a text fade right shape of the shape container. | |
TextFadeUpShape | Represents a text fade up shape of the shape container. | |
TextHexagonShape | Represents a text hexagon shape of the shape container. | |
TextInflateBottomShape | Represents a text inflate bottom shape of the shape container. | |
TextInflateShape | Represents a text inflate shape of the shape container. | |
TextInflateTopShape | Represents a text inflate top shape of the shape container. | |
TextOctagonShape | Represents a text octagon shape of the shape container. | |
TextOnCurveShape | Represents a text on curve shape of the shape container. | |
TextOnRingShape | Represents a text on ring shape of the shape container. | |
TextPlainTextShape | Represents a text plain text shape of the shape container. | |
TextRingInsideShape | Represents a text ring inside shape of the shape container. | |
TextRingOutsideShape | Represents a text ring outside shape of the shape container. | |
TextRingShape | Represents a text ring shape of the shape container. | |
TextSimpleShape | Represents a text simple shape of the shape container. | |
TextSlantDownShape | Represents a text slant down shape of the shape container. | |
TextSlantUpShape | Represents a text slant up shape of the shape container. | |
TextStopShape | Represents a text stop shape of the shape container. | |
TextTriangleInvertedShape | Represents a text triangle inverted shape of the shape container. | |
TextTriangleShape | Represents a text triangle shape of the shape container. | |
TextWave1Shape | Represents a text wave1 shape of the shape container. | |
TextWave2Shape | Represents a text wave2 shape of the shape container. | |
TextWave3Shape | Represents a text wave3 shape of the shape container. | |
TextWave4Shape | Represents a text wave4 shape of the shape container. | |
TextWaveShape | Represents a text wave shape of the shape container. | |
ThickArrowShape | Represents a thick arrow shape of the shape container. | |
TrapezoidShape | Represents a trapezoid shape of the shape container. | |
UnknownShape | Represents a unknown shape of the shape container. | |
UpArrowCalloutShape | Represents a up arrow call-out shape of the shape container. | |
UpArrowShape | Represents a up arrow shape of the shape container. | |
UpDownArrowCalloutShape | Represents a up down arrow call-out shape of the shape container. | |
UpDownArrowShape | Represents a up down arrow shape of the shape container. | |
UturnArrowShape | Represents a u-turn arrow shape of the shape container. | |
VerticalScrollShape | Represents a vertical scroll shape of the shape container. | |
WaveShape | Represents a wave shape of the shape container. | |
WedgeEllipseCalloutShape | Represents a wedge ellipse call-out shape of the shape container. | |
WedgeRectCalloutShape | Represents a wedge rectangle call-out shape of the shape container. | |
WedgeRRectCalloutShape | Represents a wedge r rectangle call-out shape of the shape container. |