| Name | Description |
| Add | Add Word/RTF object for this document. |
| AddBookmark | Add bookmark (start and end) into this document in next position. |
| AddBookmarkEnd | Add end bookmark into this document in next position. |
| AddBookmarkStart | Add start bookmark into this document in next position. |
| AddCanvas | Add drawing canvas into this document (for current section) in next position. |
| AddLink | Overloaded. Add hyperlink into this document in next position. |
| AddListTexts | Adds tests in a list. |
| AddParagraph | Overloaded. Add paragraph into this document in next position. |
| AddPicture | Overloaded. Add (draw) image/bitmap with content alignment. |
| AddShape | Add Word/RTF object for this document. |
| Clear | Clear this document, reset content. |
| ColumnBreak | Add new column to this document. |
| CreateObjRef | (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject) |
| Dispose | (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component) |
| DrawArc | Draw arc from this document. |
| DrawBeziers | Draw Bezier curve from this document. |
| DrawEllipse | Overloaded. Draw ellipse from this document. |
| DrawImage | Overloaded. Draw image/bitmap with content alignment. |
| DrawLine | Overloaded. Draw line from this document. |
| DrawLines | Draw lines from this document. |
| DrawMetafile | Overloaded. Draw metafile image from this document. |
| DrawParagraph | Draw paragraph into this document in next position. |
| DrawPath | Draws a path defined by points and types. |
| DrawPie | Draw pie from this document. |
| DrawPolygon | Draw polygon from this document. |
| DrawPolyline | Draw polyline from this document. |
| DrawRectangle | Overloaded. Draw rectangle from this document. |
| DrawString | Overloaded. Draw text string into this document in next position. |
| FillArc | Draw arc from this document. |
| FillBeziers | Fill Bezier curve from this document. |
| FillEllipse | Overloaded. Fill ellipse from this document. |
| FillPath | Fills a path defined by points and types. |
| FillPie | Fill pie from this document. |
| FillPolygon | Fill polygon from this document. |
| FillRectangle | Overloaded. Fill rectangle from this document. |
| GetLifetimeService | (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject) |
| GetParagraph | Overloaded. Get paragraph with the empty text and string format for this document. |
| InitializeLifetimeService | (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject) |
| LineBreak | Add new line to this document. |
| Load | Load document from the file with file name. |
| LoadFromOpenXml | Overloaded. Load document from the file in Open XML format. |
| LoadFromRtf | Load document from the readable RTF stream. |
| LoadFromText | Load document from the readable text stream. |
| MeasureExpand | Measure expand value (spacing between characters) for the text of this document. |
| MeasureFontSize | Measure font size for the text of this document. |
| MeasureString | Overloaded. Measure string for this document. |
| Merging | Overloaded. The merging of this document and other. |
| NewPage | Starts a new page. |
| PageBreak | Add new page to this document. |
| ParseRtfText | Parse a RTF text and added to this document content. |
| ResetClipRect | Restores the clipping area to the state before the last call to SetClipRect. |
| Save | Overloaded. Save this document to the file with file name. |
| SaveToText | Save this document to a writable text stream. |
| SetClipRect | Sets a clipping area of this document. |
| SetPageSettings | Set current page settings from this document. |
| ShapeFillOpacity | Set opacity for current Word/RTF shape. |
| ShapeHyperlink | Set hyperlink source for current Word/RTF shape. |
| ShapeRotation | Set rotation for current Word/RTF shape. |
| ToPixels | Overloaded. Converts points to pixels. |
| ToPoints | Overloaded. Converts pixels to points. |
| ToRtfText | Gets a RTF text for this document content. |
| ToString | (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component) |