| Class | Description |
| AlternativeContentSettings | Represents the settings indicating how to display zoom factor when gesture zooming. |
| AnimationStartingEventArgs | Provides data for GcZoom.AnimationStarting event and GcZoomPanel.AnimationStarting. |
| C1ApplicationZoom | Represents the component which can be attached to any existing form, and made all forms in current application can be zoom by two finger touch. |
| C1Magnify | Represents the component which can be attached to any existing control, after long tap on the control, a magnifier will popup above the finger, and shows the info around the finger. |
| C1MultiScaleImage | Represents a control which can display different images for different zoom factor of the control. |
| C1TouchEventProvider | Represents the component which can be attached to any control, and provide pointer and manipulation events for the attached control. |
| C1Zoom | Represents the component which can be attached to any existing form, and made the form can be zoom by two finger touch. |
| C1ZoomAttachedEventArgs | Provides data for C1ZoomAttached event of C1ApplicationZoom class. |
| C1ZoomAttachingEventArgs | Provides data for C1ZoomAttaching event of C1ApplicationZoom class. |
| C1ZoomCommandProvider | Represents the component which can be attached to any existing UserControl, and made all IButtonControl on current Usercontrol can be execute the ZoomCommands. |
| C1ZoomDetachedEventArgs | Provides data for C1ZoomDetached event of C1ApplicationZoom class. |
| C1ZoomPanel | Represents the component which can be enables you to group collections of controls and made these controls can be zoom by two finger touch. |
| ComboBoxZoomPolicy | Represents a zoom policy for System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox type control. |
| ControlAutoShowingEventArgs | Provides data for ControlAutoShowing event of C1Zoom class. |
| ControlBar | Represents a floating, translucent window for owner form. User can add any controls to the window. |
| ControlBoundsZoomingEventArgs | Provides data for ControlBoundsZooming event of C1Zoom class. |
| ControlFontZoomingEventArgs | Provides data for ControlFontZooming event of C1Zoom class. |
| ControlZoomPolicy | Represents a base zoom policy for controls. |
| DataGridViewZoomPolicy | Represents a zoom policy for System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView type control. |
| DoubleTappedEventArgs | Provides data for DoubleTapped event. |
| FlowLayoutPanelZoomPolicy | Represents a zoom policy for System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel type control. |
| HoldingEventArgs | Provides data for Holding event. |
| ImageItem | Represents a image which will be displayed in a C1MultiScaleImage and how much the C1MultiScaleImage.ZoomFactor is to display the image. |
| InertiaExpansionBehavior | Controls the deceleration of a resizing manipulation during inertia. |
| InertiaRotationBehavior | Controls the deceleration of a rotation manipulation during inertia. |
| InertiaTranslationBehavior | Controls deceleration on a translation manipulation during inertia. |
| ListBoxZoomPolicy | Represents a zoom policy for System.Windows.Forms.ListBox type control. |
| ListViewZoomPolicy | Represents a zoom policy for System.Windows.Forms.ListView type control. |
| MagnifierEventArgs | Provides data for the C1Magnify.Closed and Move event. |
| MagnifierShowingEventArgs | Provides data for the C1Magnify.MagnifierShowing event. |
| ManipulationCompletedEventArgs | Provides data for C1TouchEventProvider.ManipulationCompleted event. |
| ManipulationDeltaEventArgs | Provides data for C1TouchEventProvider.ManipulationDelta event. |
| ManipulationInertiaStartingEventArgs | Provides data for C1TouchEventProvider.ManipulationInertiaStarting event. |
| ManipulationPivot | Specifies how a rotation occurs with one point of user input. |
| ManipulationStartedEventArgs | Provides data for C1TouchEventProvider.ManipulationStarted event. |
| ManipulationStartingEventArgs | Provides data for C1TouchEventProvider.ManipulationStarting event. |
| ManipulationVelocities | Contains the velocities of the accumulated transformations for the current interaction. |
| MonthCalendarZoomPolicy | Represents a zoom policy for System.Windows.Forms.MonthCalendar type control. |
| NoZoomFontZoomPolicy | Represents a base zoom policy for controls that do not zoom the font. |
| PictureBoxZoomPolicy | Represents a zoom policy for System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox type control. |
| PointerEventArgs | Provides event data for pointer message events related to C1TouchEventProvider, such as PointerPressed. |
| PointerPointProperties | Provides extended properties for a PointerEventArgs object. |
| PropertyGridZoomPolicy | Represents a zoom policy for System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid type control. |
| RightTappedEventArgs | Provides data for RightTapped event. |
| ScrollableControlZoomPolicy | Represents a base zoom policy for scrollable control. |
| SplitContainerZoomPolicy | Represents a zoom policy for System.Windows.Forms.SplitContainer type control. |
| TabControlZoomPolicy | Represents a zoom policy for System.Windows.Forms.TabControl type control. |
| TableLayoutPanelZoomPolicy | Represents a zoom policy for System.Windows.Forms.TableLayoutPanel type control. |
| TappedEventArgs | Provides data for Tapped event. |
| ToolStripZoomPolicy | Represents a zoom policy for System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip type control. |
| TouchRoutedEventArgs | Provide base logic for all pointer and manipulation event args. |
| TreeViewZoomPolicy | Represents a zoom policy for System.Windows.Forms.TreeView type control. |
| ZoomBoundsInfo | Represents a helper on zoom layout. Provide information about location, size. |
| ZoomFontInfo | Represents a helper for resize font. Provide information on font. |
| ZoomManipulationStartingEventArgs | Provides data for C1Zoom.ManipulationStarting event. |
| ZoomPolicy | Implements the base class of zoom policies. |