TouchToolKit for WinForms | ComponentOne
Inheritance Hierarchy
In This Topic
    C1.Win.TouchToolKit Namespace (C1.Win.TouchToolKit.8)
    In This Topic
    ClassRepresents the settings indicating how to display zoom factor when gesture zooming.
    ClassProvides data for GcZoom.AnimationStarting event and GcZoomPanel.AnimationStarting.
    ClassRepresents the component which can be attached to any existing form, and made all forms in current application can be zoom by two finger touch.
    ClassRepresents the component which can be attached to any existing control, after long tap on the control, a magnifier will popup above the finger, and shows the info around the finger.
    ClassRepresents a control which can display different images for different zoom factor of the control.
    ClassRepresents the component which can be attached to any control, and provide pointer and manipulation events for the attached control.
    ClassRepresents the component which can be attached to any existing form, and made the form can be zoom by two finger touch.
    ClassProvides data for C1ZoomAttached event of C1ApplicationZoom class.
    ClassProvides data for C1ZoomAttaching event of C1ApplicationZoom class.
    ClassRepresents the component which can be attached to any existing UserControl, and made all IButtonControl on current Usercontrol can be execute the ZoomCommands.
    ClassProvides data for C1ZoomDetached event of C1ApplicationZoom class.
    ClassRepresents the component which can be enables you to group collections of controls and made these controls can be zoom by two finger touch.
    ClassRepresents a zoom policy for System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox type control.
    ClassProvides data for ControlAutoShowing event of C1Zoom class.
    ClassRepresents a floating, translucent window for owner form. User can add any controls to the window.
    ClassProvides data for ControlBoundsZooming event of C1Zoom class.
    ClassProvides data for ControlFontZooming event of C1Zoom class.
    ClassRepresents a base zoom policy for controls.
    ClassRepresents a zoom policy for System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView type control.
    ClassProvides data for DoubleTapped event.
    ClassRepresents a zoom policy for System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel type control.
    ClassProvides data for Holding event.
    ClassRepresents a image which will be displayed in a C1MultiScaleImage and how much the C1MultiScaleImage.ZoomFactor is to display the image.
    ClassControls the deceleration of a resizing manipulation during inertia.
    ClassControls the deceleration of a rotation manipulation during inertia.
    ClassControls deceleration on a translation manipulation during inertia.
    ClassRepresents a zoom policy for System.Windows.Forms.ListBox type control.
    ClassRepresents a zoom policy for System.Windows.Forms.ListView type control.
    ClassProvides data for the C1Magnify.Closed and Move event.
    ClassProvides data for the C1Magnify.MagnifierShowing event.
    ClassProvides data for C1TouchEventProvider.ManipulationCompleted event.
    ClassProvides data for C1TouchEventProvider.ManipulationDelta event.
    ClassProvides data for C1TouchEventProvider.ManipulationInertiaStarting event.
    ClassSpecifies how a rotation occurs with one point of user input.
    ClassProvides data for C1TouchEventProvider.ManipulationStarted event.
    ClassProvides data for C1TouchEventProvider.ManipulationStarting event.
    ClassContains the velocities of the accumulated transformations for the current interaction.
    ClassRepresents a zoom policy for System.Windows.Forms.MonthCalendar type control.
    ClassRepresents a base zoom policy for controls that do not zoom the font.
    ClassRepresents a zoom policy for System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox type control.
    ClassProvides event data for pointer message events related to C1TouchEventProvider, such as PointerPressed.
    ClassProvides extended properties for a PointerEventArgs object.
    ClassRepresents a zoom policy for System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid type control.
    ClassProvides data for RightTapped event.
    ClassRepresents a base zoom policy for scrollable control.
    ClassRepresents a zoom policy for System.Windows.Forms.SplitContainer type control.
    ClassRepresents a zoom policy for System.Windows.Forms.TabControl type control.
    ClassRepresents a zoom policy for System.Windows.Forms.TableLayoutPanel type control.
    ClassProvides data for Tapped event.
    ClassRepresents a zoom policy for System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip type control.
    ClassProvide base logic for all pointer and manipulation event args.
    ClassRepresents a zoom policy for System.Windows.Forms.TreeView type control.
    ClassRepresents a helper on zoom layout. Provide information about location, size.
    ClassRepresents a helper for resize font. Provide information on font.
    ClassProvides data for C1Zoom.ManipulationStarting event.
    ClassImplements the base class of zoom policies.
    StructureContains the accumulated transformations for the current manipulation.
    EnumerationSpecifies the border appearance of the magnifier.
    EnumerationSpecifies how to show visual feedback when scroll reach end point.
    EnumerationSpecifies how a form window is displayed in full screen mode.
    EnumerationSpecifies the state of the Holding event.
    EnumerationSpecifies content's layout in the inner panel.
    EnumerationSpecifies the appearance of the magnifier.
    EnumerationSpecifies how a target control interprets manipulation events. This enumeration is flagwise to facilitate setting multiple modes.
    EnumerationSpecifies the actions when close magnifier.
    EnumerationSpecifies the actions when move magnifier.
    EnumerationSpecifies which types of MouseWheel scroll.
    EnumerationEnumerates pointer device types.
    EnumerationSpecifies the position mode of ControlBar window.
    EnumerationSpecifies how to indicate current scroll location.
    EnumerationSpecifies the control auto scroll reason when the control is displayed .
    EnumerationSpecifies the Built-in commands of the C1ZoomCommandProvider component.
    EnumerationSpecifies how a target control interprets manipulation events. This enumeration is flagwise to facilitate setting multiple modes.
    EnumerationSpecifies how to display the form when gesture zooming.
    See Also