ComponentOne TileControl for WinForms
Data Binding Overview / Databinding Tutorial - Creating a Complex Databound TileControl / Step 8 of 8: Formatting the Tiles in the FormatValue Event
In This Topic
    Step 8 of 8: Formatting the Tiles in the FormatValue Event
    In This Topic

    In this step the C1TileControl.FormatValue event is used to format the tile’s backcolor, tile’s images, and the tile’s country name.

    1. In the C1TileControl’s events property window double click on FormatValue item to create an event handler.
    2. In code view, add the following code to the C1TileControl1_FormatValue event handler:

    To write code in Visual Basic

    Visual Basic
    Copy Code
    Private Sub c1TileControl1_FormatValue(sender As Object, e As FormatValueEventArgs)
        If e.TileProperty = TileProperty.BackColor Then
              If TypeOf e.Value Is Boolean AndAlso CBool(e.Value) Then
                    e.Value = Color.Firebrick
                    e.Value = Color.DimGray
              End If
        ElseIf e.TileProperty = TileProperty.IntValue Then
              Dim result As Integer = 0
              Select Case TryCast(e.Value, String)
                    Case "UK"
                          result = 1
                          Exit Select
                    Case "France"
                          result = 2
                          Exit Select
                    Case "Brazil"
                          result = 3
                          Exit Select
                    Case "Singapore"
                          result = 4
                          Exit Select
                    Case "USA"
                          result = 5
                          Exit Select
                    Case "Germany"
                          result = 6
                          Exit Select
                    Case "Australia"
                          result = 7
                          Exit Select
                    Case "Japan"
                          result = 8
                          Exit Select
                    Case "Canada"
                          result = 9
                          Exit Select
                    Case "Netherlands"
                          result = 10
                          Exit Select
                    Case "Finland"
                          result = 11
                          Exit Select
                    Case "Norway"
                          result = 12
                          Exit Select
                    Case "Italy"
                          result = 13
                          Exit Select
                    Case "Spain"
                          result = 14
                          Exit Select
                    Case "Sweden"
                          result = 15
                          Exit Select
                    Case "Denmark"
                          result = 16
                          Exit Select
              End Select
              e.Value = result
        End If
    End Sub

    To write code in C#

    Copy Code
      if (e.TileProperty == TileProperty.BackColor)
              if (e.Value is bool && (bool)e.Value)
                  e.Value = Color.Firebrick;
                  e.Value = Color.DimGray;
          else if (e.TileProperty == TileProperty.IntValue)
              int result = 0;
              switch (e.Value as string)
                 case "UK":
                      result = 1; break;
                 case "France":
                      result = 2; break;
                 case "Brazil":
                      result = 3; break;
                 case "Singapore":
                      result = 4; break;
                 case "USA":
                      result = 5; break;
                 case "Germany":
                     result = 6; break;
                 case "Australia":
                     result = 7; break;
                 case "Japan":
                     result = 8; break;
                 case "Canada":
                     result = 9; break;
                 case "Netherlands":
                     result = 10; break;
                 case "Finland":
                     result = 11; break;
                 case "Norway":
                     result = 12; break;
                 case "Italy":
                     result = 13; break;
                 case "Spain":
                     result = 14; break;
                 case "Sweden":
                     result = 15; break;
                 case "Denmark":
                     result = 16; break;
             e.Value = result;