ComponentOne Sizer for WinForms
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    Sizer for WinForms Samples
    In This Topic

    Please be advised that this ComponentOne software tool is accompanied by various sample projects and/or demos which may make use of other development tools included with ComponentOne Studio. 

    Please refer to the pre-installed product samples through the following path:

    Documents\ComponentOne Samples\WinForms

    The following examples are included for the C1Sizer control:

    Visual Basic Samples

    C1Sizer includes the following Visual Basic samples:

    Sample Description
    SizerTutorial1 Demonstrates how to set up the grid and add controls. This sample uses the C1Sizer control.
    SizerTutorial2 Demonstrates how to add controls and set up the grid. This sample uses the C1Sizer control.

    C# Samples

    C1Sizer includes the following C# samples:

    Sample Description
    AddControls Shows how to add child controls to a C1Sizer using code. This sample uses the C1Sizer control.
    CustomSplitters Use the OnPaint event to customize the appearance of the splitter bars. This sample uses the C1Sizer control.
    FakeOutlook Create a user interface that looks like OutlookExpress. This sample uses the C1Sizer control.
    FakeStudio Create a user interface that looks like Visual Studio. This sample uses the C1Sizer control.
    FindCell Shows how to determine which cell is at a given point. This sample uses the C1Sizer control.
    FindControl Shows how to determine which control is at a given grid cell. This sample uses the C1Sizer control.
    Light_MDI Use the C1SizerLight with MDI forms. This sample uses the C1SizerLight component.
    Light_Nested Use C1SizerLight in forms with docked and nested controls. This sample uses the C1SizerLight component.
    Light_Runtime Control the C1SizerLight at run time. This sample uses the C1SizerLight component.
    Light_Toolbar Automatically resize controls with a wrapping toolbar. The samples shows how the C1SizerLight component works when the form has a wrapping toolbar docked to the top. This sample uses the C1SizerLight component.
    RowHeaders Demonstrates how to combine the .NET Dock property and panel controls to provide areas with headers. This sample uses the C1Sizer control.
    SizerDesigner Shows how to display the C1Sizer grid and implement the drag-and-drop operations between grid cells. This sample uses the C1Sizer control.