Scheduler for WinForms | ComponentOne
In This Topic
    Step 3 of 3: Customizing the Calendar Settings
    In This Topic

    The following steps will walk you through setting up the calendar for a 10-hour day, four-day work week, including setting the start day time, end day time, the time scale, and week start properties. Complete the following to customize the calendar:

    1. On the C1Schedule Smart Designer, click the Calendar Settings button. For more information on accessing the C1Schedule Smart Designer, see C1Schedule Smart Designer.

      C1Schedule Smart Designer

    2. Set the start and end day times by setting the StartDayTime and EndDayTime properties in the Smart Designer or in code.

      In the Designer

      • In the Calendar Settings dialog box, set the Start day time box to 10:00 (AM) and set the End day time box to 21:00 (9:00 PM).

        Calendar Settings

      • Don't close the dialog box.

      In Code

      • Add the following code to the Form_Load event to set the StartDayTime property to 10:00 AM and the EndDayTime property to 21:00 (9:00 PM):

        To write code in Visual Basic

        Visual Basic
        Copy Code
        Me.C1Schedule1.CalendarInfo.StartDayTime = New TimeSpan(10, 0, 0)    
        Me.C1Schedule1.CalendarInfo.EndDayTime = New TimeSpan(21, 0, 0)

        To write code in C#

        Copy Code
        this.c1Schedule1.CalendarInfo.StartDayTime = new TimeSpan(10, 0, 0);   
        this.c1Schedule1.CalendarInfo.EndDayTime = new TimeSpan(21, 0, 0);
    3. Set the time scale by setting the TimeScale property in the Smart Designer or in code.

      In the Designer

      • In the Calendar Settings dialog box, set the Time scale drop-down to 15 minutes.

        Calendar Settings

      • Don't close the dialog box.

      In Code

      • Add the following code to the Form_Load even to set the TimeInterval property to 15 minutes using the TimeScaleEnum enumeration:

        To write code in Visual Basic

        Visual Basic
        Copy Code
        Me.C1Schedule1.CalendarInfo.TimeInterval = C1.C1Schedule.TimeScaleEnum.FifteenMinutes

        To write code in C#

        Copy Code
        this.c1Schedule1.CalendarInfo.TimeInterval = C1.C1Schedule.TimeScaleEnum.FifteenMinutes;


      • Add the following code to the Form_Load event to set the TimeScale property to 15 minutes by assigning a value:

        To write code in Visual Basic

        Visual Basic
        Copy Code
        Me.C1Schedule1.CalendarInfo.TimeScale = New TimeSpan(9000000000)

        To write code in C#

        Copy Code
        this.c1Schedule1.CalendarInfo.TimeScale = new TimeSpan(9000000000);

        Note: The TimeScale property cannot be set to any arbitrary value. When assigning a value to this property it is automatically calculated so as to be equal to the nearest TimeScaleEnum enumeration value.

    4. Set the week start day by setting the WeekStart property in the Smart Designer or in code.

      In the Designer

      • In the Calendar Settings dialog box, set the Week start drop-down to Monday.

        Calendar Settings

      • Don't close the dialog box.

      In Code

      • Add the following code to the Form_Load event to set the WeekStart property to Monday:

        To write code in Visual Basic

        Visual Basic
        Copy Code
        Me.C1Schedule1.CalendarInfo.WeekStart = DayOfWeek.Monday

        To write code in C#

        Copy Code
        this.c1Schedule1.CalendarInfo.WeekStart = DayOfWeek.Monday;
    5. Set the work days by setting the WorkDays property in the Smart Designer:

      • In the Calendar Settings dialog box under Work days, uncheck Friday.
        Calendar Settings
    6. Close the Calendar Settings dialog box.

    Run the application and observe the following:

    The scheduling application displays a 4-day work week when in the Work Week view.

    Output window

    Congratulations! You have successfully set the calendar settings for a 10-hour day, four-day work week. This concludes the Quick Start.