Scheduler for WinForms | ComponentOne
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    Scheduler for WinForms Samples
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    Please be advised that this ComponentOne software tool is accompanied by various sample projects and/or demos, which may make use of other development tools included with the ComponentOne Studio.

    Plese refer to the pre-installed product samples through the following path:

    Documents\ComponentOne Samples\WinForms

    Click one of the following links to view a list of ComponentOne Scheduler for WinForms samples:

    Visual Basic Samples

    Sample Description
    C1ScheduleDemo The C1Schedule control displays appointments data and responds to end-users input, while the C1Calendar control lets end-users change the date or the set of dates for which the C1Schedule control currently shows its appointments data. This selection is passed to the assigned C1Schedule control, which then loads all the necessary data and represents them using appropriate view.
    CustomForms The CustomData application demonstrates using the C1Schedule and C1Calendar controls for creating and keeping a timetable for a Fitness Center. The sample shows how to:
    • Bind to custom data.
    • Use custom Appointment Form.
    • Work with components from code.
    The sample shows timetable in a WeekView. It prevents C1Schedule from switching to other views. It does not show built-in context menus or a ReminderForm. The ExcerciseForm class represents a form that is used instead of the built-in AppointmentForm. Users can:
    • Create new exercises by double-clicking on desired day and time.
    • Edit exercises in-place or in ExcerciseForm.
    • Copy timetable information from one day/week to another one.
    • Clear current week timetable.
    On closing, the application saves all timetable information to the FitnessClub database, which is included into solution.
    DragDrop This sample demonstrates a drag and drop operation from FlexGrid for WinForms - to Scheduler for WinForms. After opening the sample, type any information in the C1FlexGrid cell and drag this cell onto C1Schedule. This sample uses the C1Flexgrid component as well as the C1Schedule component.
    MultiUser This sample demonstrates how to assign owners to Appointments and filter data according to the currently selected user. The MultiUser application consists of the C1Schedule and C1Calendar controls with the AppointmentStorage and ContactStorage storages bound to data from the C1NWind database (which is included into solution). Other storages in the sample are used in unbound mode. The Appointments table from C1NWind.mdb contains an Owner column for keeping information about Appointment's owner. This column may contain key values from the Employees table. The currently selected user (an owner) is shown in the toolbar combobox. At changing the owner the application applies a filter to the C1Schedule's datasource to show only the appointments for the selected owner. At the same time, it sets default value for the Appointment table Owner column (to save Owner the index along with other appointment information).
    UnBound This sample demonstrates using C1Schedule in unbound mode. When the application loads, it loads data from an XML file and saves data to the same XML file at exit. If there is no previously saved data, the application creates a new XML file in the working folder. The end-user can import and export data at any time by using the Import/Export items from the context menu of the C1Schedule component.

    C# Samples




    The C1Schedule control displays appointments data and responds to end-users input, while the C1Calendar control lets end-users change the date or the set of dates for which the C1Schedule control currently shows its appointments data. This selection is passed to the assigned C1Schedule control, which then loads all the necessary data and represents them using appropriate view.


    The CustomData application demonstrates using the C1Schedule and C1Calendar controls for creating and keeping a timetable for a Fitness Center.

    The sample shows how to:

    • Bind to custom data.
    • Use custom Appointment Form.
    • Work with components from code.

    The sample shows timetable in a WeekView. It prevents C1Schedule from switching to other views. It does not show built-in context menus or a ReminderForm. The ExcerciseForm class represents a form that is used instead of the built-in AppointmentForm.

    Users can:

    • Create new exercises by double-clicking on desired day and time.
    • Edit exercises in-place or in ExcerciseForm.
    • Copy timetable information from one day/week to another one.
    • Clear current week timetable.

    On closing, the application saves all timetable information to the FitnessClub database, which is included into solution.


    The FullBound application consists of the C1Schedule and C1Calendar controls, with all C1Schedule storages are bound to data from the C1NWind database (which is included into solution). The C1NWind.mdb contains 6 tables (one table per storage):

    • Appointments - the sample uses it to store Appointments' data.
    • Categories - the sample uses it to store Categories' data.
    • Employees - the sample uses it to store Contacts' data.
    • Labels - the sample uses it to store Labels' data.
    • Products - the sample uses it to store Resources' data.
    • Statuses - the sample uses it to store Statuses' data.

    The C1Schedule control displays appointments data and responds to end-users input, while the C1Calendar control lets end-users change the date or the set of dates for which the C1Schedule control currently shows its appointments data. This selection is passed to the assigned C1Schedule control, which then loads all the necessary data and represents them using appropriate view.


    This sample demonstrates how to assign owners to Appointments and filter data according to the currently selected user. The MultiUser application consists of the C1Schedule and C1Calendar controls with the AppoinmentStorage and ContactStorage storages bound to data from the C1NWind database (which is included into solution). Other storages in the sample are used in unbound mode.

    The Appointments table from C1NWind.mdb contains an Owner column for keeping information about Appointment's owner. This column may contain key values from the Employees table.

    The currently selected user (an owner) is shown in the toolbar combobox. At changing the owner the application applies a filter to the C1Schedule's datasource to show only the appointments for the selected owner. At the same time, it sets default value for the Appointment table Owner column (to save Owner the index along with other appointment information).


    This sample demonstrates creating C1.C1Preview.C1PrintDocument templates for printing C1Schedule's views.


    Demonstrates Agenda and Table views representing scheduling data.


    This sample demonstrates using C1Schedule in unbound mode. When the application loads, it loads data from an XML file and saves data to the same XML file at exit. If there is no previously saved data, the application creates a new XML file in the working folder. The end-user can import and export data at any time by using the Import/Export items from the context menu of the C1Schedule component.