- CancelAppointmentEventArgs class inherited from the System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs instead of EventArgs.
- C1Schedule.BeforeAppointmentCreate event type changed from CancelEventArgs to the CancelAppointmentEventArgs.
When this event is fired, the new Appointment object is already initialized according to the current C1Schedule selection and settings.
That includes appointment times, AllDay property, reminder settings and appointment group (Category, Resource, Contact or Owner depending on the current GroupBy setting).
All appointment properties are accessible in the BeforeAppointmentCreate event handler and can be changed from custom code.
For example:
void c1Schedule1_BeforeAppointmentCreate(object sender, CancelAppointmentEventArgs e)
e.Appointment.Subject = "test appointment";
e.Appointment.Location = "test location";
- C1Schedule.BeforeAppointmentShow event is fired for the newly created appointments as well.