Ribbon for WinForms | ComponentOne
C1.Framework Namespace / ScrollBarPanel Class

In This Topic
    ScrollBarPanel Class
    In This Topic
    Panel that plays the role of a System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl).
    Object Model
    ScrollBarPanel ClassElementList ClassElement ClassElement ClassIView InterfaceElement ClassStyle ClassElement ClassScrollablePanel ClassScrollBarElement ClassScrollBarElement ClassStyle Class
    Public Class ScrollBarPanel 
       Inherits BasePanel
    public class ScrollBarPanel : BasePanel 

    This element contains a ScrollBarPanel.ScrollablePanel that contains the content to display and two ScrollBarElement objects that are displayed as needed and control the scroll position on the main panel.

    If the panel contains an Element that is Element.HitTestable, then it will honor the mouse wheel in addition to the scrollbars.

    Inheritance Hierarchy


    See Also