Ribbon for WinForms | ComponentOne
C1.Framework Namespace / IDropDownOwner Interface
Properties Methods

In This Topic
    IDropDownOwner Interface Members
    In This Topic

    The following tables list the members exposed by IDropDownOwner.

    Public Properties
     PropertyGets a value that determines the alignment of the drop down form.  
     PropertyGets the dropdown form.  
     PropertyGets a distance in pixels between the control edge and the dropdown.  
     PropertyGets the System.Windows.Forms.Control that is hosting this IDropDownOwner.  
     PropertyGets a value indicating that the dropdown form closes itself and all child forms.  
     PropertyGets the right-to-left mode value for the owner dropdown.  
     PropertyGets a value indicating whether to stick the drop-down form to the side border.  
    Public Methods
     MethodCloses the DropDownForm.  
     MethodReturns the System.Windows.Forms.Control that has input focus then the DropDownFormBase.Focusable is true.  
     MethodHandles the DropDownClosed event.  
     MethodHandles the DropDownOpened event.  
     MethodFires when item was clicked on dropdown form.  
    See Also