A map can have several associated legends, rendered within its bounds. To facilitate placing a legend outside the map's bounds, the legend can be associated with any map field in the report, so you can add an empty map field just to hold a legend describing another map.
Legends are contained within the Legends collection of the Map field. To add a legend, add an item to that collection. The location of a legend within its map's bounds is determined by the LegendAlignment property. Orientation determines whether items within the legend are placed vertically (default) or horizontally. Several other properties allow to fine-tune the way the legend looks.
Items within the legend are represented by the Items collection. That collection may be populated automatically with data from non-KML layers of the current map, if the Automatic property of the legend is set to True. In that case the Items collection cannot be edited. Otherwise, the legend items must be added manually.
The following types of legend items are supported: