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Working with C1PrintDocument / Data Binding / Data Binding in Render Objects
In This Topic
    Data Binding in Render Objects
    In This Topic

    When a render object is created, the data binding for it is not created initially. It is created when the DataBinding property is referenced in user code. For example:

    To write code in Visual Basic

    Visual Basic
    Copy Code
    Dim rt As RenderText = New RenderText
    ' ...
    If Not (rt.DataBinding Is Nothing) Then
    MessageBox.Show("Data binding defined.")
    End If

    To write code in C#

    Copy Code
    RenderText rt = new RenderText();
    // ...
    if (rt.DataBinding != null)
    MessageBox.Show("Data binding defined.");

    The condition in the previous code will always evaluate to True. Thus if you only want to check whether data binding exists on a particular render object, you should use the DataBindingDefined property instead:

    To write code in Visual Basic

    Visual Basic
    Copy Code
    Dim rt As RenderText = New RenderText
    ' ...
    If rt.DataBindingDefined Then
    MessageBox.Show("Data binding defined.")
    End If

    To write code in C#

    Copy Code
    RenderText rt = new RenderText();
    // ...
    if (rt.DataBindingDefined)
    MessageBox.Show("Data binding defined.");

    Note: This is similar to the Handle and IsHandleCreated properties of the WinForms Control class.

    During document generation the RenderObjectsList collection is formed. Three different situations are possible as a result:

    See Also