Reports for WinForms | ComponentOne
C1.C1Report.4 Assembly / C1.C1Preview Namespace / C1PrintDocument Class / Print Method / Print(PrinterSettings,OutputRange) Method
The printer settings to use.
The range of pages to export (use null to export all pages).

In This Topic
    Print(PrinterSettings,OutputRange) Method
    In This Topic
    Prints a range of pages of the current document with specified printer settings, not showing the print progress dialog.
    Public Overloads Sub Print( _
       ByVal printerSettings As PrinterSettings, _
       ByVal outputRange As OutputRange _
    public void Print( 
       PrinterSettings printerSettings,
       OutputRange outputRange


    The printer settings to use.
    The range of pages to export (use null to export all pages).
    See Also