Reports for WinForms | ComponentOne
C1.C1Report.4 Assembly / C1.C1Preview Namespace / C1PrintDocument Class / FromRU Method / FromRU(RectangleD,Single,Single,Boolean) Method
The value to convert, expressed in ResolvedUnit units.
The horizontal destination resolution (DPI).
The vertical destination resolution (DPI).
true to truncate the converted value, false to round it (slower but more precise).

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    FromRU(RectangleD,Single,Single,Boolean) Method
    In This Topic
    Converts a RectangleD value expressed in the current document's ResolvedUnit units to a System.Drawing.Rectangle structure expressed in UnitTypeEnum.Pixel units, using the specified resolution.

    Depending on the truncate parameter, the converted value is either simply truncated, or rounded (slower but more precise).

    Public Overloads Function FromRU( _
       ByVal value As RectangleD, _
       ByVal destDpiX As Single, _
       ByVal destDpiY As Single, _
       ByVal truncate As Boolean _
    ) As Rectangle
    public Rectangle FromRU( 
       RectangleD value,
       float destDpiX,
       float destDpiY,
       bool truncate


    The value to convert, expressed in ResolvedUnit units.
    The horizontal destination resolution (DPI).
    The vertical destination resolution (DPI).
    true to truncate the converted value, false to round it (slower but more precise).

    Return Value

    A System.Drawing.Rectangle structure converted to pixels.
    See Also