PrintDocument for WinForms | ComponentOne
C1.Win.PrintPreview.8 Assembly / C1.Win.C1Preview Namespace / C1PreviewPane Class / AddCurrentViewStateToHistory Method
A HistorySavedActionsEnum value defining the user action associated with the new history item.
The caption of the new history item.
If true, forces adding of the current state even if it is equal to the state stored in the C1PreviewPane.CurrentHistoryEntry.

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    AddCurrentViewStateToHistory Method (C1PreviewPane)
    In This Topic
    Creates a new ViewHistoryItem object using the current state of the C1PreviewPane.

    The newly created object is then added to the C1PreviewPane.ViewHistory collection. Adding of the new state to history is cancelled if the C1PreviewPane.Document property of the current preview pane is null, or if the specified action should not be saved according to the HistoryOptions.SavedActions value of the current pane's C1PreviewPane.HistoryOptions.

    Adding of the new state to history can also be cancelled in the C1PreviewPane.HistoryItemAdding event.

    Public Function AddCurrentViewStateToHistory( _
       ByVal userAction As HistorySavedActionsEnum, _
       ByVal historyItemCaption As String, _
       ByVal force As Boolean _
    ) As ViewHistoryItem
    public ViewHistoryItem AddCurrentViewStateToHistory( 
       HistorySavedActionsEnum userAction,
       string historyItemCaption,
       bool force


    A HistorySavedActionsEnum value defining the user action associated with the new history item.
    The caption of the new history item.
    If true, forces adding of the current state even if it is equal to the state stored in the C1PreviewPane.CurrentHistoryEntry.

    Return Value

    The newly created ViewHistoryItem object, or null if the action was cancelled.
    See Also