PrintDocument for WinForms | ComponentOne
C1.Win.PrintPreview.6 Assembly / C1.Win.C1Preview Namespace / C1PreviewFileActions Class / FileSave Method / FileSave(String,ExportProvider,Boolean) Method
The target file name.
The export provider to use.
If true, error message is shown if an exception occurs, otherwise the exception is rethrown.

In This Topic
    FileSave(String,ExportProvider,Boolean) Method
    In This Topic
    Saves (exports) the current document in the specified file. If fileName is empty or specifies a directory, the user can select a file name in a "save file" dialog. If specified, exportProvider determines the save/export format, otherwise the file extension is used.
    Public Overloads Function FileSave( _
       ByVal fileName As String, _
       ByVal exportProvider As ExportProvider, _
       ByVal showErrorMessage As Boolean _
    ) As Boolean
    public bool FileSave( 
       string fileName,
       ExportProvider exportProvider,
       bool showErrorMessage


    The target file name.
    The export provider to use.
    If true, error message is shown if an exception occurs, otherwise the exception is rethrown.

    Return Value

    true if the current document was saved, false if operation was cancelled, or if showErrorMessage is true and an error occurred while saving the document.
    See Also