RenderFragment Class Properties
In This Topic
For a list of all members of this type, see RenderFragment members.
Public Properties
| Name | Description |
| Bounds | Gets or sets the current fragment's bounds within its parent. For top level fragments, bounds within Page are returned. |
| BoundsOnPage | Gets the bounds of the current fragment on the page. |
| Children | Gets a RenderFragmentCollection containing the child fragments of the current fragment. |
| ClipParent | Gets the value indicating whether the parent object is clipped. (Returns the value of C1PrintDocument.ClipPage for top-level fragments, RenderObject.Clip of the parent fragment's render object for nested ones.) |
| ColumnIndex | Gets the 0-based index of the column on the page containing the current fragment. For the default single-column page layout, the value of this property is 0. If the current fragment belongs to a page header or footer, this value is -1 (see IsInPageHeader and IsInPageFooter). |
| ContentBoundsOnPage | For internal use. |
| Document | Gets the C1PrintDocument object containing the current fragment. |
| DrawBoundsOnPage | For internal use. |
| HasChildren | Gets a value indicating whether the Children collection of the current fragment has been initialized and contains one or more elements. |
| IndexInParent | Gets the 0-based index of the current fragment in the Children collection of its Parent. |
| IndexInRenderObject | Gets the 0-based index of the current fragment in the RenderObject.Fragments collection of the RenderObject that produced it. |
| InnerBounds | Gets the inner bounds of the current fragment (without spacing, borders and padding) within its parent. |
| InnerBoundsOnPage | Gets the inner bounds of the current fragment (without spacing, borders and padding) on the page. |
| IsInPageFooter | Gets a value indicating whether the current fragment belongs to the page footer. |
| IsInPageHeader | Gets a value indicating whether the current fragment belongs to the page header. |
| Level | Gets the nesting level of the current fragment in the fragments' tree. The topmost fragment (that has no parent) has level 1. |
| Page | Gets the page containing the current fragment. |
| PageIndex | Gets the 0-based index of C1Page containing the current fragment. |
| Parent | Gets RenderFragment that is the parent of the current fragment. |
| RenderObject | Gets the RenderObject that produced the current fragment. |
| TableColOnPage | Gets the 0-based index of the column in the most nested RenderTableFragment containing the current render object (i.e. the column index on the current page), or -1 if the current object is not contained in a table. |
| TableFragment | Gets the most nested RenderTableFragment containing the current fragment, or null if the current object is not contained in a table. |
| TableRowOnPage | Gets the 0-based index of the row in the most nested RenderTableFragment containing the current render object (i.e. the row index on the current page), or -1 if the current object is not contained in a table. |
| TopParent | Gets the top level RenderFragment containing the current fragment. |
| Visible | Gets a value indicating whether the current fragment is visible. |
Protected Properties
See Also