ComponentOne MultiSelect for WinForms
C1.Globalization Namespace / CalendarEx Class / ToFourDigitYear Method / ToFourDigitYear(Int32,Int32) Method
A two-digit integer that represents the year to convert.
A int value indicates the two digit year max.

In This Topic
    ToFourDigitYear(Int32,Int32) Method
    In This Topic
    Converts the specified two-digit year to a four-digit year by using the System.Globalization.Calendar.TwoDigitYearMax property to determine the appropriate century.
    Public Overloads Overridable Function ToFourDigitYear( _
       ByVal year As Integer, _
       ByVal twoDigitYearMax As Integer _
    ) As Integer
    public virtual int ToFourDigitYear( 
       int year,
       int twoDigitYearMax


    A two-digit integer that represents the year to convert.
    A int value indicates the two digit year max.

    Return Value

    An integer that contains the four-digit representation of year.
    year is outside the range supported by the calendar or twoDigitYearMax large than 99 or twoDigitYearMax less than 9999.
    See Also