Name | Description | |
AddCellStyle | Controls the font and color of cells within a list, column, or split according to value. | |
AddItem | Add a new item to the end in the AddItem mode. | |
AddItemTitles | Sets the column titles in the AddItem mode. | |
AddRegexCellStyle | Controls the font and color of cells within a list, column, or split according to their contents. | |
BeginInit | ISupportInitialize interface. (Inherited from C1.Win.C1List.ListBase.Frame) | |
BeginInvoke | Overloaded. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
BeginUpdate | Maintains performance by preventing the control from updating itself until the Frame.EndUpdate method is called. (Inherited from C1.Win.C1List.ListBase.Frame) | |
BringToFront | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
CaptureImage | ||
CellContaining | Returns the cell position for a set of coordinates. | |
ClearCellStyle | Removes a cell condition established with a previous call to the AddCellStyle method. | |
ClearFields | Restores the default list layout. (Inherited from C1.Win.C1List.ListBase.Frame) | |
ClearItems | Clear all of the items in the AddItem mode. | |
ClearRegexCellStyle | Overloaded. Removes a cell condition established with a previous call to the AddRegexCellStyle method. | |
ClearSelCols | Deselects all selected columns in the current split. | |
ClearSelected | Clears all selected rows. | |
ColContaining | Returns the column index containing the specified coordinate. | |
Contains | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
CreateControl | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
CreateGraphics | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
CreateObjRef | (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject) | |
Dispose | Overloaded. Overridden. Clean up any resources being used. | |
DoDragDrop | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
DrawToBitmap | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
EndInit | Overridden. Signals the object that initialization is complete. | |
EndInvoke | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
EndUpdate | Resumes updating the control after calls to the Frame.BeginUpdate method. (Inherited from C1.Win.C1List.ListBase.Frame) | |
ExportToDelimitedFile | Overloaded. Exports the specified rows from the list to the specified file as delimited ASCII text. | |
FindForm | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
Focus | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
GetChildAtPoint | Overloaded. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
GetContainerControl | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
GetDisplayText | Gets the display text for the specified row and column. | |
GetItemText | Overloaded. Gets the cell text for any cell. | |
GetLifetimeService | (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject) | |
GetNextControl | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
GetPreferredSize | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
GetSelected | Checks whether the given row is selected. | |
Hide | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
HoldFields | Holds the current column/field layout. | |
IndexFromPoint | Returns the row index for a given point. | |
InitializeLifetimeService | (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject) | |
InsertHorizontalSplit | Inserts a horizontal split at the specified index. | |
InsertItem | Inserts a new item at the index position in the AddItem mode. | |
InsertVerticalSplit | Inserts a vertical split at the specified index. | |
Invalidate | Overloaded. (Inherited from C1.Win.C1List.ListBase.Frame) | |
Invoke | Overloaded. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
LogicalToDeviceUnits | Overloaded. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
PerformLayout | Overloaded. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
PointAt | Returns one of the C1.Win.C1List.PointAtEnum constants, which indicates the kind of list element beneath the specified coordinate pair. | |
PointToClient | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
PointToScreen | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
PreProcessControlMessage | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
PreProcessMessage | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
Rebind | Overloaded. Re-establishes the connection with the bound data source. | |
RectangleToClient | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
RectangleToScreen | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
Refresh | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
RemoveHorizontalSplit | Removes a horizontal split at the specified index. | |
RemoveItem | Removes the item at the given position in the AddItem mode. | |
RemoveVerticalSplit | Removes a vertical split at the specified index. | |
ResetText | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
ResumeBinding | Overridden. Resumes data binding notification from the datasource. | |
ResumeLayout | Overloaded. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
RowContaining | Returns the zero-based index of the display row containing the specified coordinate. | |
RowTop | Returns the Y coordinate of the top of a visible row. | |
Scale | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
ScaleBitmapLogicalToDevice | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
ScrollCtl | Scrolls the list data area by the specified number of rows and columns. | |
Select | Overloaded. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
SelectNextControl | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
SendToBack | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
SetAddItemData | Updates the cell data for the AddItem mode. | |
SetBounds | Overloaded. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
SetSelected | Selects or unselects a row from the code. | |
Show | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
Sort | Overloaded. Sorts a specific column for the control. | |
SplitContaining | Returns the Index value of the split containing the specified coordinate pair. | |
SuspendBinding | Overridden. Temporary suspension of data binding notifications from the datasource. | |
SuspendLayout | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
ToString | (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component) | |
Update | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |