Class | Description | |
BackgroundBrushProvider | Class that encapsulates BackgroundBrushProvider.Brush objects used to paint element backgrounds. It exposes properties that can be used to create and serialize System.Drawing.SolidBrush, System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush, and System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PathGradientBrush objects. | |
BasePanel | Base class for all Element object that contain child elements. | |
BitmapIconElement | Represents an icon created from an image. | |
BitmapIconRenderer | Provides functionality for rendering a C1BitmapIcon to an System.Drawing.Image. | |
BorderEdges | Class that stores colors for individual border edges. | |
ButtonElement | Simple button with text and image. | |
C1BitmapIcon | Represents an icon created from an image. | |
C1CompositeIcon | Represents an icon created from multiple icons. | |
C1FontIcon | Represents an icon created from a font. | |
C1Icon | Represents a visual icon that can be tinted and resized. | |
C1IconCollectionEditor | Provides a user interface that can edit collection of C1Icon elements at design time. | |
C1IconTemplate | This factory class returns the most common predefined icons. | |
C1PathIcon | Represents an icon created from a path string. | |
C1PolygonIcon | Represents an icon created from a vectorial definition. | |
C1VectorIcon | Represents an icon created from a vectorial definition. | |
CheckButtonElement | Check (toggle) button. | |
ColumnPanel | Panel that stacks children vertically. | |
CompositeIconElement | Present an icon created from multiple icons. | |
CompositeIconRenderer | Provides functionality for rendering a C1CompositeIcon to an System.Drawing.Image. | |
ContentElement | Abstract class for elements that display text or images. Derived classes should override ContentElement.GetValue method to provide the content (text, images, formatted values). This class does not have child elements. | |
ControlHostElement | Element that hosts a WinForms ControlHostElement.Control. | |
DockPanel | The DockPanel is a layout panel, that layouts children elements to the left, right, top, bottom or center of the panel. | |
DynamicStyle | Provides data for a dynamic style. | |
Element | Base class for all elements, handles layout and styles. Instances of this class have no content and no children. Elements with content (and no children) derive from ContentElement. Elements with children derive from BasePanel. This class doesn't do much by itself except call virtual methods that can be overridden in derived classes. It can draw a background and borders with no content, so it can be used to implement things like bars and spacers. It is designed to be very light-weight, since typical documents may create thousands of these. Additional elements should be added to not-so-common derived classes. | |
ElementList | Contains a list of Elements that belong to a parent element. | |
FlowPanel | Panel that stacks children horizontally or vertically. | |
FontIconElement | Represents an icon created from a font. | |
FontIconRenderer | Provides functionality for rendering a C1FontIcon to an System.Drawing.Image. | |
GridCell | This class is an accessor for getting and setting elements at intersections of grid rows and columns. The actual elements are stored in the rows. | |
GridColumn | Keeps track of column widths and positions | |
GridColumnCollection | GridColumn collection. Just an ElementList typed to get and set GridColumn objects. | |
GridPanel | Inherits from BasePanel and provides a grid with rows and columns. At each intersection there is a cell object that contains an element. Cells may span rows and columns. | |
GridRow | Keeps track of row heights and positions, stores cells in Children member. | |
GridRowCollection | GridRow collection. Just an ElementList typed to get and set GridRow objects. | |
HostedElement | Element that serves as an interface between the host IXView control and the content elements. | |
IconElement | Represents a visual icon that can be tinted and resized. | |
IconRenderer | Provides basic functionality for rendering a C1Icon to an System.Drawing.Image. | |
IconSet | Represents the set of icons of different sizes to use in a single UI element. | |
ImageElement | Element that displays an ImageElement.Image. Alignment and scaling are controlled by the element's Style. | |
ParagraphElement | BasePanel that displays paragraphs. | |
PathIconElement | Represent an icon created from a path string. | |
PathIconRenderer | Provides functionality for rendering a C1PathIcon to an System.Drawing.Image. | |
PolygonIconElement | Represents an icon created from a vectorial definition. | |
PolygonIconRenderer | Provides functionality for rendering a C1PolygonIcon to an System.Drawing.Image. | |
ProgressBarElement | Element equivalent to a WinForms System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar control. | |
RadioButtonElement | Radio button with text and image. | |
RepeatButtonElement | Repeat button (fires repeatedly, like scrollbar buttons). | |
ResourceLoader | Class with static methods used for enumerating and retrieving application resources. | |
RowPanel | Panel that stacks children horizontally. | |
ScrollableControl | Defines an abstract base class for controls that support auto-scrolling behavior. | |
ScrollablePanel | Panel that knows how to scroll child elements bigger than itself. | |
ScrollableStackPanel | Panel that contains two scroll buttons (ScrollableStackPanel.ButtonPrevious, ScrollableStackPanel.ButtonNext) and a ScrollableStackPanel.ScrollablePanel with content that can be scrolled by clicking the buttons. | |
ScrollBarElement | Element that looks and behaves like a WinForms System.Windows.Forms.ScrollBar. | |
ScrollBarElement.ScrollBarLineButton | Buttons at either end of the scrollbar (line up/down) | |
ScrollBarElement.ScrollBarPageButton | Area between the buttons and the thumb (page up/down) | |
ScrollBarElement.ScrollBarThumb | Thumb (track) | |
ScrollBarPanel | Panel that plays the role of a System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl). | |
StackPanel | Panel that stacks children horizontally or vertically into a single line. | |
Style | The Style class contains display attributes that determine the appearance of content on the screen/printer. It includes most elements found in Css styles. The Style class also contains methods for rendering and measuring content (strings and images) based on the style settings (fonts, margins, etc). The Style objects are not hierarchical in the sense that they don't have parent styles and don't inherit attributes from the parent style. To create a new style based on an existing one, you would clone the original style, then apply whatever attributes you want to the new style. The Style objects are hierarchical in the sense that two style attributes (Style.Font and Style.ForeBrush) don't need to be set. If these attributes are not set, they are inherited, but not from a parent Style object. Rather, these attributes are inherited from the parent UI object. This type of inheritance make it easy to define a font on a Style associated with a parent UI object and have that font be automatically applied to all UI objects contained in the parent. By contrast, a Style.BackBrush attribute is not explicitly inherited. Instead, the parent UI object paints its client area with a brush, and child UI objects have a transparent background by default, so the parent background shows through by default. Other attributes such as alignment, margins, padding, etc are also not inherited. | |
TextBoxElement | Element that hosts a TextBoxElement.TextBox control. | |
TextElement | Element that displays a string. Alignment and formatting are controlled by the element's Style. | |
Theme | Class that contains a keyed collection of Style objects and methods to serialize the styles into Xml files and streams. | |
ValueElement | Element that displays a simple value (numbers, dates, etc). The element's Style is responsible for formatting the value (with System.IFormattable). | |
VectorIconElement | Represents an icon created from a vectorial definition. | |
VectorIconRenderer | Provides basic functionality for rendering a C1VectorIcon to an System.Drawing.Image. | |
XmlUtil | Utility class for reading/writing XML. | |
XView | Control that hosts X elements. The control has an XView.Element property that gets or sets the element to be displayed. The control is responsible for displaying the element, providing scrolling, and routing mouse and keyboard events to the hosted element. | |
XViewHost | Control that hosts XView control. | |
XViewLight | Control that hosts X elements. Control that hosts X elements. |