InputPanel for WinForms | ComponentOne
C1.Win.4.8 Assembly / C1.Win.Interop Namespace / Rect Structure
Properties Methods

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    Rect Structure Members
    In This Topic

    The following tables list the members exposed by Rect.

    Public Constructors
    Public ConstructorOverloaded.   
    Public Properties
    Public PropertyGets the Y coordinate of the bottom edge of the current Rect structure.  
    Public PropertyGets the coordinates of the bottom left corner of the current Rect structure.  
    Public PropertyGets the coordinates of the bottom right corner of the current Rect structure.  
    Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Represents an empty instance of the Rect structure.  
    Public PropertyGets or sets the height of the current Rect structure.  
    Public PropertyGets a value indicating whether the Width and Height properties of the current Rect structure have zero values.  
    Public PropertyGets the X coordinate of the left edge of the current Rect structure.  
    Public PropertyGets or sets the coordinates of the top left corner of the current Rect structure.  
    Public PropertyGets the X coordinate of the right edge of the current Rect structure.  
    Public PropertyGets or sets the size of the current Rect structure.  
    Public PropertyGets the Y coordinate of the top edge of the current Rect structure.  
    Public PropertyGets the coordinates of the top left corner of the current Rect structure.  
    Public PropertyGets the coordinates of the top right corner of the current Rect structure.  
    Public PropertyGets or sets the width of the current Rect structure.  
    Public PropertyGets or sets the X coordinate of the top left corner of the current Rect structure.  
    Public PropertyGets or sets the Y coordinate of the top left corner of the current Rect structure.  
    Public Methods
    Public MethodOverloaded. Tests whether the specified point is contained within the current Rect.  
    Public MethodDeflates the current Rect by the specified amounts provided as Thickness.  
    Public MethodIndicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal.  
    Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Creates a Rect structure based on the coordinates of its top-left and bottom-right corners.  
    Public MethodReturns the hash code for this instance.  
    Public MethodOverloaded. Inflates the current Rect by the specified amounts on four sides.  
    Public MethodOverloaded. Replaces the current Rect structure with the intersection of itself and another Rect.  
    Public MethodTests whether the current Rect intersects with another.  
    Public MethodOverloaded. Offsets the location of the current Rect by specified horizontal and vertical amounts.  
    Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Converts a string to a Rect structure.  
    Public MethodConverts the current Rect to a System.Drawing.Rectangle.  
    Public MethodConverts the current Rect to a System.Drawing.RectangleF.  
    Public MethodConverts the current Rect structure to a human-readable string representing it.  
    Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Creates a new Rect structure representing the smallest possible rectangle containing the two specified rectangles.  
    Public Operators
    Indicates whether two Rect structures are equal.
    Overloaded. Converts a System.Drawing.Rectangle to a Rect.
    Indicates whether two Rect structures are not equal.
    See Also