Input for WinForms | ComponentOne
C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi Namespace / TransformMatrix Class / Rotate Method / Rotate(Single,TransformOrder) Method
A float indicates the clockwise angle.
A TransformOrder enumeration that specifies the order (append or prepend) in which the rotation is applied to this Matrix object.

In This Topic
    Rotate(Single,TransformOrder) Method
    In This Topic
    Applies a clockwise rotation of the specified angle about the origin to this Matrix object.
    Public Overloads Sub Rotate( _
       ByVal angle As Single, _
       ByVal order As TransformOrder _
    public void Rotate( 
       float angle,
       TransformOrder order


    A float indicates the clockwise angle.
    A TransformOrder enumeration that specifies the order (append or prepend) in which the rotation is applied to this Matrix object.
    See Also