Input for WinForms | ComponentOne
C1.Util Namespace / RawFontSubSet Class / ResolveAmbiguousEastAsianWidths Method
The source and destination array of CodePointFlags elements.
Number of code points.

In This Topic
    ResolveAmbiguousEastAsianWidths Method (RawFontSubSet)
    In This Topic
    Resolves characters with ambiguous East Asian width to either narrow or wide.
    Protected Overridable Sub ResolveAmbiguousEastAsianWidths( _
       ByVal cpFlags() As FontSubSet.CodePointFlags, _
       ByVal length As Integer _
    protected virtual void ResolveAmbiguousEastAsianWidths( 
       FontSubSet.CodePointFlags[] cpFlags,
       int length


    The source and destination array of CodePointFlags elements.
    Number of code points.
    See Also