FlexReport for WinForms | ComponentOne
C1.Win.FlexReport.CustomFields.4.8 Assembly / C1.Win.FlexReport.CustomFields Namespace / SuperLabel Class
Properties Methods

In This Topic
    SuperLabel Class Members
    In This Topic

    The following tables list the members exposed by SuperLabel.

    Public Constructors
    Public ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the SuperLabel class.  
    Public Properties
    Public PropertyGets the actual right-to-left value that is being used. If the field's own C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase.RightToLeft is not null, that value is returned. Otherwise the C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase.ActualRightToLeft defined on the report is returned. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the text alignment within the field. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.Field)
    Public PropertyGets or sets a value determining how the field's vertical position changes relative to its containing C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase.SubSection. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase)
    Public PropertyGets or sets a value determining how height of object changes depending on its content. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase)
    Public PropertyGets or sets a value determining how width of object changes depending on its content. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the field's background color, this property works via C1.Win.FlexReport.VisualReportObject.Background property using C1.Win.C1Document.C1SolidBrush. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.VisualReportObject)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the C1.Win.C1Document.C1Brush object determining the object's background. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.VisualReportObject)
    Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether the field should render as barcode. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.Field)
    Public PropertyGets the C1.Win.FlexReport.Field.BarcodeOptions object which allows to define various barcode-related options. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.Field)
    Public PropertyGets or sets a C1.Win.FlexReport.ScriptStringValue yielding the bookmark associated with the current object. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.VisualReportObject)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the C1.Win.FlexReport.VisualReportObject.Border object determining how borders are drawn around the object. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.VisualReportObject)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the field's border color. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.Field)
    Public PropertyGets or sets a value determining how borders are drawn if the object is too wide and is split between horizontal pages. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.VisualReportObject)
    Public PropertyGets or sets a value determining how borders are drawn if the object is too high and is split between pages. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.VisualReportObject)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the field's border style. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.Field)
    Public PropertyGets the y-coordinate of the field's bottom edge in twips. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase)
    Public PropertyGets or sets bounds of this C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase object. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase)
    Public PropertySpecifies whether the C1.Win.FlexReport.Field.Text property should be interpreted as a literal value or as a calculated expression. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.Field)
    Public PropertySpecifies whether the field height should be automatically increased to fit the field's contents. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.Field)
    Public PropertySpecifies whether the field height should be automatically reduced to fit the field's contents. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.Field)
    Public PropertySpecifies whether the field should be displayed as a checkbox. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.Field)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the field's font. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.Field)
    Public PropertyGets or sets a value determining whether to insert page breaks before or after the field. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the field's foreground color. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.Field)
    Public PropertyGets or sets a string used to format the field value. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.Field)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the height of the field in twips. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase)
    Public PropertySpecifies whether duplicate values in consecutive records should be suppressed. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.Field)
    Public PropertyGets the hyperlink associated with the current field. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase)
    Public PropertySpecifies whether the field should be kept together on a page. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the X coordinate of the field's left edge in twips. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the line spacing between text lines in the field, in percent. The default is 100 which corresponds to normal line spacing.

    Note that this property is ignored if C1.Win.FlexReport.Field.RTF is true.

    (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.Field)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the width of the field's border or line. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.Field)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the field's location within the section, in twips. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.Field)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the spacing between the bottom edge of the field and its content, in twips. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the spacing between the left edge of the field and its content, in twips. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the spacing between the right edge of the field and its content, in twips. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the spacing between the top edge of the field and its content, in twips. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the field name. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase)
    Public PropertyGets or sets a C1.Win.FlexReport.ScriptStringValue yielding the label associated with the object in the outline tree. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.VisualReportObject)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the name of the object that will be the parent of the current object in the outline tree. If unspecified, the report hierarchy will be used to determine the parent. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.VisualReportObject)
    Public PropertyGets the C1.Win.FlexReport.C1FlexReport containing this field. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.Field)
    Public PropertyGets or sets a picture to display on the field. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.Field)
    Public PropertyGets or sets how field pictures should be the aligned. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.Field)
    Public PropertyGets or sets how images should be the scaled to fit within the field area. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.Field)
    Public PropertyGets the actual height of the current field. This property can only be used while the report is being rendered, otherwise it returns -1. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase)
    Public PropertyGets the actual left position of the current field in its subsection. This property can only be used while the report is being rendered, otherwise it returns -1. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase)
    Public PropertyGets the actual top position of the current field in its subsection. This property can only be used while the report is being rendered, otherwise it returns -1. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase)
    Public PropertyGets the actual width of the current field. This property can only be used while the report is being rendered, otherwise it returns -1. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase)
    Public PropertyGets the x-coordinate of the field's right edge in twips. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase)
    Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether right-to-left text rendering rules should be used. If null (which is the default), the property C1.Win.FlexReport.C1FlexReport.RightToLeft defined on the report is used. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase)
    Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether strings enclosed in curly brackets should render as RTF. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.Field)
    Public PropertySpecifies whether to show a running sum for the field. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.Field)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the section to which the field belongs. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase)
    Public PropertyGets or sets an instance of the C1.Win.C1Document.ShapeBase-derived class specifying properties of the geometric shape drawn by this field (if C1.Win.FlexReport.Field.ShapeType is not None). (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.Field)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the type of geometric shape drawn by the current field.

    The default is None.

    (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.Field)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the field's size, in twips. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.Field)
    Public PropertyGets or sets a value determining how the object is treated when it is too wide to fit in the horizontal space available on the current page. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase)
    Public PropertyGets or sets a value determining how the object is treated when it is too high to fit in the vertical space available on the current page. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase)
    Public PropertyGets or sets a reference to another report to be rendered within the field (a subreport). (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.Field)
    Public PropertyReturns whether a subreport has data and suppresses rendering if it doesn't. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.Field)
    Public PropertyGets the C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase.SubSection object containing this field. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the index of the C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase.SubSection in C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase.Section to which the field belongs. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase)
    Public PropertyGets or sets arbitrary data associated with the object. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.ReportObject)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the field's text. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.Field)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the angle of text rotation within the field (including barcodes). (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.Field)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the Y coordinate of the field's top edge in twips. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the field's calculated value. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.Field)
    Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether the field is visible or hidden. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the width of the field in twips. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase)
    Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether automatic word wrapping is on. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.Field)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the text writing mode: horizontal (default), vertical with left to right flow etc. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.Field)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the ZOrder of the field. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase)
    Public Methods
    Public MethodOverloaded. Copies properties from another object into this object. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.Field)
    Public MethodCreates a new object that is a copy of the current C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase object. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase)
    Public MethodMarks the owner report as dirty so it will clear the internal cache and render again. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase)
    Public MethodFor internal use. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.Field)
    Public MethodBrings a field to the front or sends it to the back of the ZOrder. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase)
    Protected Methods
    Protected MethodOverridden. Renders HTML content using the C1SuperLabel component.  
    Protected MethodPost action after the field is added to the parent report's fields colleciton. (Inherited from C1.Win.FlexReport.FieldBase)
    See Also