FlexReport for WinForms | ComponentOne
C1.Win.FlexReport.6 Assembly / C1.Win.FlexReport Namespace / C1FlexReport Class / RenderToFilter Method
Export filter that will render the report.

In This Topic
    RenderToFilter Method (C1FlexReport)
    In This Topic
    Renders the report into an C1.Win.Document.Export.ExportFilter object. This method is a shortcut to the C1.Win.Document.C1DocumentSource.Export method on the base class.
    Public Sub RenderToFilter( _
       ByVal filter As ExportFilter _
    public void RenderToFilter( 
       ExportFilter filter


    Export filter that will render the report.

    C1FlexReport includes several built-in export filters that allow you to export reports to HTML, PDF, RTF, Excel, and other formats.

    You may create your own filters by creating classes that derive from any of these base filters.

    See Also