FlexReport for WinForms | ComponentOne
C1.Win.Document.6 Assembly / C1.Win.Document Namespace / C1TextSearchManager Class / FindPreviousAsyncEx Method
C1FoundPosition object defines the position from which the search should be started.
Whether to throw an exception if a document access error occurred while searching.

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    FindPreviousAsyncEx Method (C1TextSearchManager)
    In This Topic
    Non-blocking (asynchronous) version of the FindPrevious method.
    Public Function FindPreviousAsyncEx( _
       ByVal initialPosition As C1FoundPosition, _
       ByVal throwException As Boolean _
    ) As IAsyncOperationWithProgress(Of C1FoundPosition,Double)


    C1FoundPosition object defines the position from which the search should be started.
    Whether to throw an exception if a document access error occurred while searching.

    Return Value

    The IAsyncOperationWithProgress<TResult,TProgress> interface that can be used to manage asynchronous operation.
    See Also