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C1.Win.C1Document.4.5.2 Assembly / GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging.jpeg.jj2000.j2k.wavelet.analysis Namespace / AnWTFilter Class / getLPSynthesisFilter Method

In This Topic
    getLPSynthesisFilter Method (AnWTFilter)
    In This Topic
    Returns the time-reversed low-pass synthesis waveform of the filter, which is the low-pass filter. This is the time-reversed impulse response of the low-pass synthesis filter. It is used to calculate the L2-norm of the synthesis basis functions for a particular subband (also called energy weight).

    The returned array may not be modified (i.e. a reference to the internal array may be returned by the implementation of this method).

    Public MustOverride Function getLPSynthesisFilter() As Single()
    public abstract float[] getLPSynthesisFilter()

    Return Value

    The time-reversed low-pass synthesis waveform of the filter.
    See Also