FlexReport for WinForms | ComponentOne
C1.Win.C1Document.4.5.2 Assembly / GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging.jpeg.jj2000.j2k.util Namespace / ArrayUtil Class / intArraySet Method
The array to set.
The value to set the array to.

In This Topic
    intArraySet Method
    In This Topic
    Reinitializes an int array to the given value in an optimized way. If the length of the array is less than MAX_EL_COPYING, then the array is set element by element in the normal way, otherwise the first INIT_EL_COPYING elements are set element by element and then System.arraycopy is used to set the other parts of the array.
    Public Shared Sub intArraySet( _
       ByVal arr() As Integer, _
       ByVal val As Integer _
    public static void intArraySet( 
       int[] arr,
       int val


    The array to set.
    The value to set the array to.
    See Also